Nothing big going on. I've been on a plateua for a few weeks. Bored with that and aggravated. Made some changes three days ago and saw the first results this morning. Because of the band, I was taking in 5-6 small meals a day.
No, I have not ever gone back to nasty habits like fast food junk or bad things. But, I think all of us must be mindful of every morsel we slip between the lips for pleasure. I've taken me to three meals a day (basically, 4 oz. each maybe a little more on a good day) and one snack. I like to save that for night and television. Old habits die hard.
The game now is between mind and body. Gray matter has a way of eating away at you saying, it's time for a crunchy snack or something. So, the battle rages and I have finally put that under control with mind over matter.
There is no way I would ever back track with weight gain! My health is the prize and the energy I have again is tremendous. Now, if I had wealth, I'd be on the road most of the time seein' the sights! lolol
Things come and go each day. Trial and tribulation. Sometimes, those occur more often than we care to think about. Had a few of those in the past days. Guess I'm the better for any of it...I've become a person who 'grows' from each new thing that crosses my path.
Not too many complaints after a clean bill of health from my PCP last week and a clean bill of health on the eyes, one more time. I still use readers for the print and get aggravated at putting on taking off, but, ce la vie or "status quo"! After picking out a cool pair of glasses for a very slight script (if I wanna), the total came to $1016.00. Didn't take me long to look at 'that horse shoe"...old family joke!
Think about it -- a red hot horse shoe -- pick it up and SLAM IT DOWN!!! Ouch and ouch again!
This morning's nice surprise was ...
the 2-4 pounds I've been seesawing with for weeks....up, then down, then a little up, a little down....and, for the past several days...stuck at UP! Talk about frustrating.
This morning's delight...those 4 pounds were G O N E!
"The rain in Spain, stays mainly on the plainnnnn" -- I THINK I'VE GOT IT!!
Have a nice Friday and a nicer weekend!
On March 12, 2009, I was banded with the lap band. I lost a total of 46 lbs. and after one year, gained it back. Frustrated, fat, and aggravated, time marched on. As a 'senior' now, my realization of the true meaning of life has come clear. I did not retire wealthy, I retired. I have time, no's time to reflect from the inner self out into the world.
About Me
- txspatter
- Humble, Texas, United States
- Retired educator, retired freelance photographer, retired life. I loved the classroom, laughter of the students, small successes that made them glow and the feeling of 'family' among faculty. However, job done and on to new things. Life was on 'cruise control' until March, 2004...and then, there was a halting screech, lung and heart issues and physicians galore. But, I beat the odds and HERE I AM...STILL HUFFIN' AND PUFFIN'!!! Let's see where this leads.....
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