Several who read this blog know this little happy guy!
Percy, my little white 'angel boy' came to me in April, 2000. He has been my 'heartbeat', my buddy, my best friend and the greatest therapy anyone could wish for. After living with me for her final 27 years, my sweet mother passed in March, 2000.
Approximately one month later, I bought this little guy, weighing two pounds and able to fit in the palm of my hand. Now he hasn't just been a pet. This bundle of joy took me through some dark days filled with more grief than one should face.
For that reason, Percy and I have been connected to each other's heart like no other dog I've ever owned! Folks, that's saying a lot! Life's twists are so strange. Five years ago I dealt with heart issues and congestive heart failure. Not's behind me and I have my health back. Two years ago, that little guy developed issues with congestive heart failure.
He's been on heart med and diuretics for many, many months. I had begun to notice a change in his gait, his activity and his breathing. And, about six months ago, he started sitting like a LITTLE BEAR BOY almost 24/7. Yes, we're tight!
We saw Dr. Key yesterday morning, our 'ol friend and vet for many years. According to him, Percy's health is failing and all of these 'things' he does now is to help him breathe easier. I stood there with tears running down my cheeks as Dr. Key talked about his heart and all. Finally, I asked, 'in medical terms on a scale of 1-10, where is he right now'? Mike dropped his head and slowly looked up at me as he said, 'he's a three, it's not good'.
According to Mike, I must decide if I'm now doing this for ME or for PERCY. His little dog life has not been quality for a long time now and it's declining rapidly. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I drove home. Most of all, I don't want my 'heartbeat' to suffer. A big decision lies ahead. And, yes, he's just a pet, but my pets have all been far more than 'just a pet'. And, remember, this little guy brought me back into life after a great loss in life.
As I ponder this situation, somehow I query, 'how is that Percy developed the same issues I was dealing with? How is it that suddenly, my life has been restored to new levels and his life is now in decline? Was that just random events or can there be more to this puzzle'? I'm not sure to be honest. All I know is that a faithful pet will go any extra mile for the owner he's devoted to.
No, there will be no quick action taken here. It's a game now of keep him comfortable, watch him daily to see what else changes and go from there. You see, his balance is not what it used to be either. If he stumbles and falls on his side, he fights and claws the air frantically to 'right' himself to no avail. Percy is my heartbeat and somehow, I think he literally took over my issues to give me a second chance.
Probably sounds 'way out there' to some who read this column, but matters not. As I've struggled yesterday and today over his doctor's report, I visited my PCP for the first time since December, 08. HE WAS BLOWN AWAY! It's enchanting to see a doctor's face light up and the biggest 'ol smile break across his lips!
All of my blood work was tremendous. Everything is in the right place number wise and I've been officially removed from diabetic status, diabetic meds and blood pressure meds! Dr. Rogers and I celebrated with big HIGH FIVE when he pronounced me normal.
That's what this is all about! Life changing. Life giving. My heart sags heavily though over my little Percyman. Life long attachment to a pet is a tough row to hoe when the weather gets stormy. I celebrate, I anguish. I laugh, I cry. I look forwad to the coming months, I dread the coming weeks.
And who knows...he may outlive us all. His name came from a special place. Two days before our mother passed, she raised her head and starred intently at the foot of her bed. She did this two times in a row as I sat beside her sterile bed in the hospital room. We were in the hospital for eight of the longest weeks of my life. I was studying her profile knowing her days were numbered.
After her intense stare, I stood and said, 'mother, who were you looking at'? She muttered, lack of air, 'percy'...I said, 'WHO'? You see, there was no Percy in our family and no Percy in our lives! If you're on the same page, you've already arrived. I think Percy was an Angel who had come to ready her for the coming hours. Those were about the last words she uttered prior to that late Thursday afternoon.
And, so, Percy, my little white angel boy, had a purpose in his beautiful life. He has served it well and far beyond the call. I shall see him through until whenever and speak sweet dog things to him. After all, he understands many, many words and thoughts!
Until the time is upon us, he will feel the gentle touch of my hands, hear familiar words in voice and get premium hugs throughout the days. What a pleasure he has been...and what a job he has done! And, it has all been due to unconditional love for his master...we have literally traveled many, many miles together. His shining moment was as we fled the hurricane two years ago.
He lay in the passenger seat on his soft bed pillow...he understood something was wrong...but he took his lead from my smile each time he lifted his heavy eyelids to check me out. It took us 16 hours to travel 67 miles to Huntsville. He asked to potty once after we had been inching our way along...nine hours after we left our home!! A smart fella!
One step at a time. One day at a time. Whatever comes around the next bend in the road, we'll deal with it and move forward. I hope your health is good, your heart is happy and your will to survive, endless.