As long and arduous as my day was today, I came home in a good frame of mind and prepared to enjoy the evening. Michael and I went out to dinner at Amedaus, Italian, of course...I had my first Peach Belini...very sinful, but, I did enjoy it! Following appetizer and tremendous entrees, we headed home to 'crash!'
I've become great at crashing. I push all day, whether seeing interns or not, and go with a a full steam. Guess that comes from my sweet brother Jim, is the same way. However, I'd have to admit he's run circles round me all my life with energy, planning and all. But, I could do some horseback riding to match no other and spike a volleyball with finesse and a smile! That was a lot of fun...and running those bleachers (about a million a day) and skipping that dumb rope kept me hopping!
As I struggled with students' attitudes in classrooms today, I fell into some deep thoughts regarding today and the yesterdays. We grew up with strong parenting, strong Christian homes, loving parents and a good life. We respected all elders, saying "Yes Maam" and "No Maam", showing kindess in word and deed and would never think to humiliate anyone with our rudeness and disrespect for all humanity.
Some of the students in these schools have little or no respect for anyone or anything. It's all about them, their 'wanna be' gangs and get out of my way. My, how times have changed! It makes me very thankful to have retired in 2002. My Interns are dealing with some challenges that I would not even care to think about having to control today. I'd probably go to prison for 'hurtin' sumbody bad!! lolol
When I began teaching, I was in a learning curve for a few years. Then, I thought I was the expert. WRONG ANSWER! What I was then, more confident and loving my position. I looked forward to getting to school to see what each day would bring. Sometimes fun, sometimes problematic, sometimes just a nice day with a good end to it.
As I drove all over Houston town today, my mind wandered (as it does frequently) to some dear old friends from the Waco area. They lived out in the country, beautiful brick home, acres and acres of land, cattle, a business...but, they both taught school as well! She taught reading, he taught elementary, was a principal for a few years and even coached middle school basketball just because. They loved life. They were laid back. They had it all going their way.
Suddenly, their lives changed when he laid his hand on the back of a 5th grader's shoulder as he said, "go back to your desk and sit down." The little girl trumped a big lie up and said, "he fondled me in front of the class!" She had a small group of little girl friends who fell right into that scenario as her witnesses.
It ruined his life. He was indicted but, not brought to trial for nearly two years. The Waco DA was up for re-election, I'm guessing that looked good for him. My friend however was ruined. He would not take a 'leave' from his school position, he resigned. He thought every day he would be sent to prison for nothing. Retirement was only a short, few years away for him in the education circle...but, he would never get to retire and draw that pension.
He resigned and spent many weeks and months staying around home suffering terrible anxiety attacks, especially when he'd be outside working and see a neighbor drive by. His pain would be overwhelming from embarrassment and anguish, causing him to retire inside for the remainder of any given day.
Ultimately, the charges were dropped. Time had passed, each little girl's family had relocated for whatever reasons and as the subpoenas were being delivered, each little girl broke down in tears and admitted, she lied.
Luckily for my friend and his wife, he had been given a job at a local business establishment and had rebuilt his life.
All of us suffer pain and unpleasant events in our daily lives. Sometimes it becomes too easy for me to feel so empathetic for myself! And, then...I think of friends, family, past acquaintances, etc. and recall some of the challenges they had or, perhaps, are having , and my life doesn't seem so bad.
The second cataract surgery this past Tuesday was one more huge challenge for me, I admit it! I thought I had it made. I'd been there, done that with the right eye, I knew what to expect! WRONG ANSWER, AGAIN!!
Tough 'ol cataract in that eye. I was hanging in there, under the cloth that covered by face, listening the rock 'n roll music playing and trying to think good thoughts about surviving the ordeal! But, the doctor said, "well, go ahead and get ??? instrument ready, I can't get hold of it!"
My mind screamed WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? Just listen to the music, think good thoughts, DO NOT PANIC! And then he said, "oh, never mind, I got it..good to go!" HALLE LU JAH BROTHAS AND SISTAS!!
And, yes, I survived the second and I'm so happy we don't have three eyes!!! I think twice around the block is all I'm capable of for now!
Life experiences. Life challenges. Life changing ordeals. Life threatening instances. Life altering events. Life one day at a time.
That's what all of us are about. Lately, if I allow me to slip a little and begin to think, oh woe is me, I change the thought to OH WHOA is me!! Get with it. Buck up. Face the music and be the best at whatever!
I face some music tomorrow at 2:30. I'm see the Baylor College of Med Cardiologist. Joy. Wow, I just can't wait. Am I nervous? Yep. Am I hesitant? Yep. Am I still a chicken? YEP, YEP, CLUCK, CLUCK!!
Bottom line, this too shall pass. My neat experience today was a phone call at the end of the day. I called a friend. No answer. I left a silly message on the home line. I called the cell number. No answer. Within 5 seconds, my cell phone rang.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Wow! That was too cool. Just knowing that one friend would drop everything, including a call she was on to immediately call me. She knew with two phone calls in a row, something was up.
Not really, I just wanted to say hello and share some thoughts! But, a nice ending to a long day!
Be a great friend, a good neighbor and a concerned 'on looker'. If your life is flowing smoothly tonight, congratulations! If you have a few bumps in the road, congratulations again. Those are the things we handle. Keep your heads up, your eyes open and your 'random acts of kindness' on call!
The smallest, most insignificant thing can mean the world to that person having any size struggle at any given moment. I'm facing surgery in January. The best part of that I know for sure... I WILL BE PUT TO SLEEP!! I will not be hearing the doctors discuss this and that and PAT'S FAT!! J/K!!!
Be strong. Laugh often.Live life before it runs out!!
I've become great at crashing. I push all day, whether seeing interns or not, and go with a a full steam. Guess that comes from my sweet brother Jim, is the same way. However, I'd have to admit he's run circles round me all my life with energy, planning and all. But, I could do some horseback riding to match no other and spike a volleyball with finesse and a smile! That was a lot of fun...and running those bleachers (about a million a day) and skipping that dumb rope kept me hopping!
As I struggled with students' attitudes in classrooms today, I fell into some deep thoughts regarding today and the yesterdays. We grew up with strong parenting, strong Christian homes, loving parents and a good life. We respected all elders, saying "Yes Maam" and "No Maam", showing kindess in word and deed and would never think to humiliate anyone with our rudeness and disrespect for all humanity.
Some of the students in these schools have little or no respect for anyone or anything. It's all about them, their 'wanna be' gangs and get out of my way. My, how times have changed! It makes me very thankful to have retired in 2002. My Interns are dealing with some challenges that I would not even care to think about having to control today. I'd probably go to prison for 'hurtin' sumbody bad!! lolol
When I began teaching, I was in a learning curve for a few years. Then, I thought I was the expert. WRONG ANSWER! What I was then, more confident and loving my position. I looked forward to getting to school to see what each day would bring. Sometimes fun, sometimes problematic, sometimes just a nice day with a good end to it.
As I drove all over Houston town today, my mind wandered (as it does frequently) to some dear old friends from the Waco area. They lived out in the country, beautiful brick home, acres and acres of land, cattle, a business...but, they both taught school as well! She taught reading, he taught elementary, was a principal for a few years and even coached middle school basketball just because. They loved life. They were laid back. They had it all going their way.
Suddenly, their lives changed when he laid his hand on the back of a 5th grader's shoulder as he said, "go back to your desk and sit down." The little girl trumped a big lie up and said, "he fondled me in front of the class!" She had a small group of little girl friends who fell right into that scenario as her witnesses.
It ruined his life. He was indicted but, not brought to trial for nearly two years. The Waco DA was up for re-election, I'm guessing that looked good for him. My friend however was ruined. He would not take a 'leave' from his school position, he resigned. He thought every day he would be sent to prison for nothing. Retirement was only a short, few years away for him in the education circle...but, he would never get to retire and draw that pension.
He resigned and spent many weeks and months staying around home suffering terrible anxiety attacks, especially when he'd be outside working and see a neighbor drive by. His pain would be overwhelming from embarrassment and anguish, causing him to retire inside for the remainder of any given day.
Ultimately, the charges were dropped. Time had passed, each little girl's family had relocated for whatever reasons and as the subpoenas were being delivered, each little girl broke down in tears and admitted, she lied.
Luckily for my friend and his wife, he had been given a job at a local business establishment and had rebuilt his life.
All of us suffer pain and unpleasant events in our daily lives. Sometimes it becomes too easy for me to feel so empathetic for myself! And, then...I think of friends, family, past acquaintances, etc. and recall some of the challenges they had or, perhaps, are having , and my life doesn't seem so bad.
The second cataract surgery this past Tuesday was one more huge challenge for me, I admit it! I thought I had it made. I'd been there, done that with the right eye, I knew what to expect! WRONG ANSWER, AGAIN!!
Tough 'ol cataract in that eye. I was hanging in there, under the cloth that covered by face, listening the rock 'n roll music playing and trying to think good thoughts about surviving the ordeal! But, the doctor said, "well, go ahead and get ??? instrument ready, I can't get hold of it!"
My mind screamed WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? Just listen to the music, think good thoughts, DO NOT PANIC! And then he said, "oh, never mind, I got it..good to go!" HALLE LU JAH BROTHAS AND SISTAS!!
And, yes, I survived the second and I'm so happy we don't have three eyes!!! I think twice around the block is all I'm capable of for now!
Life experiences. Life challenges. Life changing ordeals. Life threatening instances. Life altering events. Life one day at a time.
That's what all of us are about. Lately, if I allow me to slip a little and begin to think, oh woe is me, I change the thought to OH WHOA is me!! Get with it. Buck up. Face the music and be the best at whatever!
I face some music tomorrow at 2:30. I'm see the Baylor College of Med Cardiologist. Joy. Wow, I just can't wait. Am I nervous? Yep. Am I hesitant? Yep. Am I still a chicken? YEP, YEP, CLUCK, CLUCK!!
Bottom line, this too shall pass. My neat experience today was a phone call at the end of the day. I called a friend. No answer. I left a silly message on the home line. I called the cell number. No answer. Within 5 seconds, my cell phone rang.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Wow! That was too cool. Just knowing that one friend would drop everything, including a call she was on to immediately call me. She knew with two phone calls in a row, something was up.
Not really, I just wanted to say hello and share some thoughts! But, a nice ending to a long day!
Be a great friend, a good neighbor and a concerned 'on looker'. If your life is flowing smoothly tonight, congratulations! If you have a few bumps in the road, congratulations again. Those are the things we handle. Keep your heads up, your eyes open and your 'random acts of kindness' on call!
The smallest, most insignificant thing can mean the world to that person having any size struggle at any given moment. I'm facing surgery in January. The best part of that I know for sure... I WILL BE PUT TO SLEEP!! I will not be hearing the doctors discuss this and that and PAT'S FAT!! J/K!!!
Be strong. Laugh often.Live life before it runs out!!