Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stick It on Your Frigerator Door!!!


Gonna be some celebratin' here...beef or chicken, carrots/peas, applesauce, peaches, who knows what!!! Well, spread out throughout the day! I DON'T CARE!

I had soup tonight...3 ounces and I was full.



Well, I fooled all of ya...I'm baaaaack! Interesting? Yes? Cakewalk? No. Pain involved? Tremendous. Did I shed some tears? LOTS! Am I on the road now? Betcha!

Surgery was at 7 a.m., took an hour. Recovery was long and I didn't get back to the room until 2:30. Not sure what antics I pulled in recovery, but I sure was glad to get outta there! I didn't like the nurse who worked with me! Am I sipping liquids throughout the day? Absolutely.
We got back home around 5 that afternoon and the serious began.

All of the trapped air in my body sent riveting pain right across the middle of my back from left to right. It started and worked on me relentlessly for four of the longest days of my life. It was bring ya to your knees pain, cause ya to cry pain, come to Jesus meetin' pain...I've never experienced anything like that before and do not wish to ever, again. Poor Michael...he got very little sleep through it all. You see, until Tuesday morning at 6 a.m., I had not been able to lay in the bed and sleep. I roamed the house, walked the house, leaned on everything around, sat at the kitchen table and finally, would fall asleep in the recliner from exhaustion.

When I fell asleep in the chair, my chin rested on my chest and therefore, a tremendously sore neck and upper back. I WAS A MESS! I asked Michael in the middle of night two as I sat on the edge of the bed (after waking him to rub my back)...What have I done to myself? Yes, it was that tense.

Finally, Monday, mid-day, the pain subsided and it was just the old me. Peaceful body, blissful feeling. I was elated to think the worst was over. Only one other major problem surfaced -- bronchitis. On Monday, we went to see the pulmonologist...fearful of pneumonia or worse, I held my breath, literally. Thank goodness it was only bronchitis. Good drugs are taking care of that now!

This all began two weeks pre-op liquid diet and to date now, -21 pounds. I guess there will be a new me emerging over the coming months. I've been learning how to effectively initiate necessary meds, get all the vitamins in and concentrate on the necessary protein amounts. It's a learning curve, but then, I'm going to be seeing some curves.

Monday evening was so nice. The family was in town and Michael invited them to dinner. They came, feasted and I sat and burped for them! lolol Well, at that time, that's what I could do best. Family and friends were all so important through this episode of life. Strong prayers and goodwill were on my side. I so appreciate everyone for their thoughts!

So, the journey begins, I'll try to get a new pic in the next couple of days. Who knows what I'll be wearing. I have a couple of 'old' wardrobes rarely touched. They've been hanging in silence for the past many, many months cause I got TOO FAT to wear them. I'm going to have fun with this and it is truly exciting!

My blood sugar this morning was 98. Prior to surgery, the morning fasting sugar would still be around 130 and that was on Metformin, 850 mg. twice a day. I haven't even crushed a Metformin pill...that's right, no med since before surgery. I'll tell my surgeon Friday and see if I can be officially done with that pill for good! My blood pressure is 118/62. I've been taking my diuretics, but I haven't been taking the pill. Everything is falling into place!

And, so, we move ahead, one sip at a time!