Friday, March 6, 2009

A Curious Day in the Life of Pat

Wednesday, March 4...the day! I had to report to St. Luke's Towers and do all of the paperwork for the surgery. Fine. I had received notification with an 11:30 appointment time followed by this statement - get there early because this can take hours. Appointments by walk-ins. What? I was confused.

9:20 - I phoned my doctor's office to question. "Oh, no, you don't have an appointment so the earlier you can arrive the better your chances of being done in time for your appointment with Dr. Sherman!" Was she kidding me? Zoom...into the shower, wash the head, curl the curls, put on make-up and out the door by 10 a.m. Yep, right into the Houston traffic.

Finally, I walked in the office around 10:40...and finally, was out of there by 12:45 I was weighed, measured, questioned, blood pressured (128/65), questioned more, explained to and finally, done. I had a sweet nurse and she thanked me for being a good patient. I said well, it's not like I'm going to fuss at you. She said, 'are you kidding? I've been spit on, cursed out and more.' Unbelievable. I didn't like the fact that they had to TELL me my weight, but no reason to work up a juicy blob over that. I've only weighed 1000 times at home.

AFter all, once you've had ultrasounds, EKG's, x-rays, upper GI's and more, how do you have any shame left anyway? You've been seen inside, outside and perhaps upside down when you weren't paying attention. Those folks could draw pencil sketches and sell 'em at the fair!

I finally traversed the long walkway over to the Baylor College of Med place. Went to the 14th floor, nearer my Heaven to thee, and walked in the surgeon's outter office. I announced, "sorry I'm late, it took forever". The time was 12:50...the receptionist replied, not a problem, you're early, your appointment isn't until 1:30! OUCH AND OUCH AGAIN. There I had hustled over the walkway, sucking air in the entire way and thinking, I shoulda got up at 8 and been here early.

And, so, I sat down, looked around and there they were. Sitting as the bald eagles do, perched, watching for food! Not! Just sitting waiting to see the surgeon...a room full of fat chicks waiting to become thin! lolol The conversation began. It ran from what kind of surgery? Have you had it yet? When do you have it? Are you starving on liquids only? I can't wait til I can have mushed food. What whey products have you found? BINGO! The excitement of the day.

We began to comment on products, tastes and no so good tastes and soon, the entire waiting room was tuned in and rolling in laughter! It became the entertainment hour on the 14th floor. Hey, some of us had some storie to share and thennnnnn...we discussed the dreaded u p p e r G I !!! AAAAAgggggghhhhhhh. Too funny.

Finally, the doc returned and they swept me straight back knowing I needed to get BACK ACROSS THE WALKWAY to St. Luke's to see another doc. I there...surveyed the room, smelled the fragrances in the air and wished I hadn't got there! Some were sleeping (sleep ap I guess), some were huffing and puffing and some were discussing the big chick to my left who had a cough bigger than her! Bless her heart and her lungs!

I waited. And waited. And waited. I walked up to the window and asked how much longer? Oh, about another 45 minutes to an hour. I said uh huh...not gonna happen. I'm tired. I'm empty. I wanna go home! So, we re-scheduled for Wednesday. Frustration and more frustration, but harketh...I was headed home to my L I Q U I D array of exquisit choices!! Yeah.

Once home I sampled everything! Soup, jello, protein shake, soup, jello, etc. lolol Finally, I felt full and could sit and breathe.

It's game on...Beard in the lead. Score 17 for me...them? I shall not be defeated. I will be the best I can be. I'm going for first down and yardage without looking over my shoulder! If I can't maintain straight up the middle, I'll take the 'end around!' Wait a minute. I've never had a 'round end' in my whole life! GOTCHA!!

Banding...a new adventure!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Learning Curve

After six days of liquid diet only for pre-op preparation, I've learned so many things. It is possible to set my determination and 'stick' with it for the run. Sunday was my challenging day. I hit a brick wall that allowed touches of anger, wonder and deep soul searching to surface within.

I conquered it. The first several weeks of this entire event are highly challenging and certainly doth test one's self responsibility. But, it's far more than losing however many pounds I might in these days. It has been prepping me for the post-op surgery days. Learning that I can survive on liquids...soups, sugar free jello, sugar free puddings, clear juices and frozen popsicles...and, I truly have barely any 'hunger' fighting me.

Yes, I do keep track of protein intake and I am drinking a liquid called Isopure...grape flavored...really cold, it's an okay drink! It provides 40 grams of protein in one bottle and I follow throughout the day with a slimfast shake and various other protein items. It's new to me to have to keep track, but for the health of it, I do.

Now...waking in the morning and being able to set both feet on the floor to rise without feeling like a Mac truck ran over me in the night and parked on top of such a joy. What's this telling me? My entire body is going through a detoxification process. My body is thriving without sugar, fast foods, heavy fats and more. I think it's saying thank you at the beginning of each new day!

I've discovered on one of my fat order to learn the appropriate size of a sip, one individual went and purchased herself a SIPPY CUP!!! It worked! After she got it, no more throw up due to gulping like the old days. And, so, you say? Yep, I'm gonna git me one 'o them thar cups! And, I'm going to use the small fork in the drawer that's for appetizers...a tiny fork!!

You see, the mind and body are beginning to think and work together. It's interesting as I discover new things about me. Am I thrilled at all of this...NOT! But, it's a necessary thing at this time in my life. I got me here, I have to get me outta here! And, my hubby has to keep cooking and eating!! It's rough on him these days...he has to clean his own dishes up as well. I will do lots of things, but washing a pan that has the remainder of breakfast sausage in it...I WILL NOT TOUCH IT!!

I've discovered I hate orange and strawberry jello. I've found I can tolerate the French Vanilla Slimfast shake very well. I keep the powder in the freezer (it's cold) and when I mix it with cold milk, I do it in a small tupperware that holds 8 ounces. You can put the lid on and shake the daylights out of it and tadaaaa...shake!

As for the soup? I prefer the cans rather than the Soup at Hand. Why, you say? Because, silly, you empty the can and add a can of water...MORE TO SLIP through the lips, over the gums and look out tummy! Propel water is very aftertaste.
And, jello or pudding anytime my tummy thinks it wants something helps a lot. I was already a Yoplait Light yogurt girl, so I still indulge in those...yes, it's permitted!

And, so...tomorrow is day seven -- ONE WEEK BEHIND ME! Tomorrow is the surgeon's visit. I go and see him, ask questions and smile. Then, I go tomorrow afternoon to see my pulmonologist, Dr. Manion. A busy day, getting it all together. One week from Thursday, it's target practice on my stomach!! Can't help but think of the words to some song..."Let's, get it on!!!" Just do it!

I've heard from family and friends. Many are cheering, lots are praying and some are going, you're doing what? It's a good thang to know folks are thinkin' boutcha when you're going 'lights out' for a while. But, it won't be like my knee surgery a couple of years ago. As soon as I woke up, the handsome male nurse said, 'can I get you something to drink?' Not only did I have one icy Diet Dr. Pepper, I gulped two of those puppies down!!

Maybe they'll say a while after this surgery..."can I get your sippy cup for you??" lololololol
This SIPS on me!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Day After

Welcome to a brighter day with new insights included! I did have difficulty going to sleep last night due to a very empty tummy. However, I conquered it and slept well til step on the scale and discover another pound gone!

Thus far since Thursday morning, -9 and it's a curious thing. In the past twelve months, I guess I've lost this same 8 or 9 pounds. Up. Down. Up. Down. It's different this time though. Knowing that there is a game plan and that the game's on! Not easy, but it's teaching me more and helping me understand the 'hurdles' I must cross.

I read on a couple of .com's and gather information from bandsters across the nation. Some of the comments are so helpful..but, the before and after pictures are astonishing and the knowledge that I will be pounds lighter in the coming months is simply refreshing.

If you wish to visit a site, try
You might find it interesting or, you might think it's disgusting. Either/'s there and for folks going through the phases, it is helpful and nice to have ideas from others who've been there tried that and give me a head's up.

Not all of it's good. I mixed a bariatric pudding mix yesterday afternoon. Put the first spoonful in my mouth and could NOT SPIT IT out fast enough! I looked around to see if there was an x-ray machine and a technician ready to do an Upper GI!!! Yes, it was that bad. On the other hand, a couple of things are very tolerable and taste kinda like the real deal.

That's all a part of this program. Hide and seek. Seek and find. Find and keep! Also in the past three days the true understanding of 'life changing' has taken hold. I will never eat as I did before, but, I will eat. And, with the band I can still have tastes of all foods. The first six months are the testing grounds and the learning curve!

Those of us who are focused and ready for change will be successful. Others, well.
And, so...a brighter day and it's day #4. I go and see the anesthesiologist and my surgeon this Wednesday. Afterwards, I see my pulmonologist...I will have all the ducks in a row with lead duck quacking the loudest!

As Nike says...JUST DO IT!!!