Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Day After

Welcome to a brighter day with new insights included! I did have difficulty going to sleep last night due to a very empty tummy. However, I conquered it and slept well til step on the scale and discover another pound gone!

Thus far since Thursday morning, -9 and it's a curious thing. In the past twelve months, I guess I've lost this same 8 or 9 pounds. Up. Down. Up. Down. It's different this time though. Knowing that there is a game plan and that the game's on! Not easy, but it's teaching me more and helping me understand the 'hurdles' I must cross.

I read on a couple of .com's and gather information from bandsters across the nation. Some of the comments are so helpful..but, the before and after pictures are astonishing and the knowledge that I will be pounds lighter in the coming months is simply refreshing.

If you wish to visit a site, try
You might find it interesting or, you might think it's disgusting. Either/'s there and for folks going through the phases, it is helpful and nice to have ideas from others who've been there tried that and give me a head's up.

Not all of it's good. I mixed a bariatric pudding mix yesterday afternoon. Put the first spoonful in my mouth and could NOT SPIT IT out fast enough! I looked around to see if there was an x-ray machine and a technician ready to do an Upper GI!!! Yes, it was that bad. On the other hand, a couple of things are very tolerable and taste kinda like the real deal.

That's all a part of this program. Hide and seek. Seek and find. Find and keep! Also in the past three days the true understanding of 'life changing' has taken hold. I will never eat as I did before, but, I will eat. And, with the band I can still have tastes of all foods. The first six months are the testing grounds and the learning curve!

Those of us who are focused and ready for change will be successful. Others, well.
And, so...a brighter day and it's day #4. I go and see the anesthesiologist and my surgeon this Wednesday. Afterwards, I see my pulmonologist...I will have all the ducks in a row with lead duck quacking the loudest!

As Nike says...JUST DO IT!!!

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