Saturday, April 18, 2009

Post-Op Antebellum!

I thought today was a good 'comparison' day. There are many miles yet to travel, but I'm in the beginning of this life journey. The far left picture (light top) was taken one day prior to surgery. Yes, I looked puffy, sunken eyes, and that 'sick' in 'almost dead'! I can't deny it. And, I felt worse!

The middle picture (red top) was two or three days after surgery. I thought I was really movin' on down the road!! NOT!

Picture, April 18th, (blue top) about 36 days POST-OP! The smile is true, the feeling great and the capacity to live again has arrived.

I spent several hours at the Deerbrook Mall today. It was the first time in MONTHS that I have even darkened the doorway. The living room recliner had become my prison. I didn't have any air when I moved! Today...I walked that entire mall, browsing, shopping and smiling! I never missed a step and kept going.

It reminded me of the first day the mall opened. Mother and Aunt Lois HAD TO GO and, me to. But, at that time, it was always necessary to chaperone those two! We entered the mall, someone from Humble spotted me and shouted hello! I hesitated and THAT WAS A MISTAKE! Mother and Aunt Lois disappeared into the 'throngs' with pure excitement! When I turned around...they were gone!

We entered the mall around 10 a.m. I searched everywhere, from one end to the other. I went up to the second floor, searching. I came back down, searching. I stopped at one of the mall security guard locations and said, "I have lost my mother". He smiled and said, I can't help you.

Finally, the clock read 1:45...I was upper level scanning the crowd below. I SPOTTED THEM!!! Yelling "Motherrrrrrrrrrrrr" at the top of my lungs, she looked up! Thank you, Jesus! I said, "ya'll sit down on that bench and DON'T MOVE, PLEASE!!!!!" She laughed, they sat, I scrambled to get down the escalator as fast as possible!

THE MALL ----- many memories and many hours wiled away. I'm back to wiling! Thank you, Jesus!!

Stay posted...I promise not to disappear!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Wheels on the Bus Go .... R & R

Yes, they do/did and that bus just keeps on a rollin'. Yesterday, we pulled outta the station at -43. Today, we left with -44!!! That's right. Another pound of another person G O N E!!!!

Can't figure it out, but I don't have to. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do! I think it bulks my desire to be the best since I have opened this journey to THE WORLD on this blog site! But, it has also helped me tremendously. When I share thoughts about this, I get to see me in person, on here.

Is it exciting, you betcha it is! More clothes await, silently, as they hang lifeless in the closet. I've almost started talking to 'em. I want to wear them as much as they want to escape that drab closet!! lololol

There are some things I've experienced in life that I wish I could have 'do overs' on now that I'm thinner and getting in better shape, healthwise, every day. One of those special events that comes to mind would be the week at Harvard in July, 1999.

The district forced me to go to a week long Graduate Level course on Performance Assessment! I did not want to venture there at all, but the VOICE of HISD spoke (Carolyn Clapp) and off I went on a jet plane, extender belt buckled!!

Upon arrival, I checked into the dorm where I was assigned, huffed and puffed to get myself and my luggage to the room and collapse! You see, back then I was struggling for air. Not as severe as the last year, but I had to take my time doing stuff!

Once I arrived, however, I was in complete awe. All I could do was think every day, "I pahked my cah in Havahd Yahd"!!!! Me, at Harvard and walking the grounds where some powerful dates in history took place! I sat one afternoon under the branches of a gorgeous (hundreds of years) old oak tree. She sprawled deep and wide. As I read my novel and listened to the sounds of students playing out on the Intramural Fields, I happened to glance up and see a Historical Sign.

I strolled over to the sign and begin to was where George Washington accepted surrender from the enemy and it became one of histories great pieces of ground. Whoa! I was in awe then. Sitting where battles raged, men died, blood was shed and surrender was the victory!

It was an exciting piece of life for me. Each day as I entered the grand lecture hall, I smiled. I had fought to avoid this place and suddenly, I was pleased to be there. During our one day off, a group of us went to Boston and walked the 'red line'. I enjoyed, but I huffed and puffed. Did I care? Nah. I had become a master of disguise by then and no one could really detect me and any difficulties.

Those days are gone now. I have air, energy deluxe (again) and stay on the move. I have my house back in order...clean as a whistle and everything cleaned up and put away. It's all got a place and it's all in it's place, AGAIN!

You see this lap band step is bringing life back to me. Gotta luv it!!

And, I DO!!! Do something good for yourself today! Take a stroll, read a good novel, have a nice cup of coffee or offer a random act of kindness to someone at a store!

Empower YOU through positive self talk...there is no one more important in this world than YOU! Take care and play fair!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fill 'er Up, Please!

When I was a teenager at LaVega HS, I would swing into the gas station and watch the attendant come out to see what I wanted. Before he reached my window, I'd say, "Fill er up, please!" I seem to recall the price was 19.9 cents a gallon! Ahhh, those were the days!! My daddy used to ask, 'daughter, why don't you self serve once in a while and save your 'ol dad a few dollars?!' I'd laugh and say, 'you'll NEVER CATCH ME FILLING MY OWN TANK!!!' What was I thinking?

As I sat on the end of the exam table in the surgeon's office today, I wondered, "what am I in for right now?" Well, I soon found out! A student doctor came in, sat on the famous black, twirly stool, opened my chart, turned and said, 'what did you weight just now?' I replied with the magic number and .....................when he climbed back on the little twirly stool, he snapped his head again rapidly and said, highly excitedly, 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?'

I smiled and said, 'no, I'm serious, I'm proud of myself!' His reply, 'WOW, THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN!' So, being the wonderful ME that I perceive myself to be, I added, ' and so, is this good or is this G R E A T???' He instantly said GGG RRR EEE AAA TTT! I commented, 'that's super, 'cause I intend to be ya'll's poster child for LAP BAND!!!' From the first week 'after surgery' visit to today, I had sheared another 20 pounds away for a grand total of the -43 lost to date!

Let's hear a big Texas YEEHAWWW! Thank Ya'll!

Now, before I went to the BCM Center, I visited one of my teacher Interns. I walked around the corner, up the stairs (without hesitation) and knocked on the door! A student opened the door, turned around and gave a huge SHUSH! to the class. I looked for the single chair I had used the first visit. You see, middle school student desks and I haven't gotten along for many, many years.

Uh-oh, there was no SINGLE CHAIR. I usually grab a single chair, turn a student desk around and have a seat!! FAT CHICKS DON'T DO DESKS! But I didididididididididididididididid!
I slid into the seat and smiled to myself while the Spanish was rolling out their mouths!! Oh, my, gosh!!! I had room in that seat as well.

A HUGE VICTORY FOR PATNTXS!!! And, know what? I can't wait to return to Denney's for some scrambled eggs someday and slide in THEIR BOOTH!!

Regular sized adults don't even think about these tiny things in their lives! To a FAT CHICK or A FAT's a challenge, sometimes an embarrassment, sometimes forces one to request a table, and so on! Those days for this girl are OVER!!! That was an exciting thing for me today!

Now, the student doc said, "lay on the table please while I locate your port'. (I thought of a cruise, port, cruise, get it) That sounded simple enough. He felt with pointy needle and his fingers, he had me 'crunch curl', he poked WITH THE DAMN NEEDLE (scuse me) and on the fourth attempt, as the needle slid in my tummy, I said, 'you have one more try, then WE NEED A RELIEF PITCHER, Ok?' He apologized, I said, 'that's okay, we're still friends..."

In walked Dr. Sherman. He located the port and did the job. His assistant then handed me six ounces of water in a styrafoam cup and said, sit and drink this. If it all goes down, we're good. If it doesn't slide down, he'll have to take some out!! And, so, that was an easy enough task. NOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOTNOT.

The first three sips I did as I've been doing. I had instant pain, too much traffic jam in my esaphogus and terrible pain! Like a bolt of lightening, the thought raced through my brain, "what has he done to me"? They ruined my playhouse, that's what!!! It took me thirty long, slow, boring minutes to drink 5 of that 6 ounce serving! YEOW!

This is supposed to now slow my weight loss. RATS AND RATS AGAIN! I was having fun every other day seeing a lighter number on the scale. He says I should now lose 2-3 pounds a week. Ok, GAME ON!! It will be interesting. I will admit when I got home, I heated some soup and got one of my tiny, collector spoons off the rack. That's how big my bites will be from now on! Dad gummit!!! But, it's ok, just takes time to eat now!!

My port has room for 11 cc's and today I was given 5.5 cc. Oh well, I didn't do this just say I had it done! I did this for a purpose and I'm movin' on down the road. I can't wait for this month to pass. Regardless of the amount lost, it's all okay....I just have to stay focused and avoid ~~~~~


Oh, Happy Day~~~~~

Yes, it is!! I felt it when my feet hit the floor.

I am now -43 pounds. That's another 2 pounds floating elsewhere besides my body! I know my folks would be proud. I've battled weight all of my life and I certainly did not do it alone!

When I was 10, I got into trouble with b/p. Why? Because Dr. Marion Carter scared me to death everytime we had to go into her office! She was like the wicked witch of the West, but a very good doctor! Go figure! Anyhow, she helped create what's commonly called 'white coat anxiety'. You'd show me any medical person coming at me with a b/p cuff and I'd show you how to make the blood pump out of your ears!

Anyhow, in grade 6, she gave us a diet from Hillcrest Hospital and my sweet mother cooked it to a "T". I peeled that weight off prior to grade 7 and was a skinny middle schooler. That lasted until my Senior year in high school and slowly, it really began to pack back on after I graduated. In Baylor, I could've rolled to classes!

As we worked diligently (as a team...mother and I) back in my very young days, daddy was in it as well! He promised me a Palamino horse when I got back to 99 pounds. Only problem was THAT'S WHAT I WEIGHED AT BIRTH!!! lololol
I tried my darndest, but it didn't happen. Point was, he tossed something in ring for incentive...they both were behind me a hundred percent!

I guess I was content with the beautiful Paint Horses I had along the way and one fun Bucksin boy. He was a pleasure, gaited, single riding a rocking chair comparable to none other!

Today, I have many friends, old high school classmates and family who seem faithful to this epistle. I thank you all -- it's a strong support link and yes, I do think of it often. What I've had done was very aggressive and a little dangerous (anytime they put you under for any length of time). In fact, I still wonder why I landed in recovery at 8 a.m., but did not awaken until around 1 p.m. That guy REALLY PUT ME UNDER.

Can't help but wonder if something happened, did they also use a really big hammer to KNOCK me out, did the guy have it in for one more FAT GIRL on the table or was I just taking advantage of help to sleep? We'll never know and that's probably best.

The bottom line here is it's working, I'm excited and boy am I changin' looks drastically. YIPPEE SKIPPY!!!!

And, so, another piece of news from her to him, from me to you, from her to her and from moi to moo. Have a good one although it's tax day! Yuck!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

For the Record

Today was an interesting day. It was the second round of bowling for me. How'd she do? You must be asking yourself!

She did great! I bowled a 139, a 192 and a 159!!!! I'm loving it because I have sooooo much flexibility now. Michael put two pieces of tape in my thumb hole CAUSE MY FINGERS HAVE GOTTEN SKINNY!!!! My bowling shoes are BIG!!! I have to lace them very tight! I wore a pair of khaki (to the calf) pants and he had to cut me a piece of black, nylon rope to tie around them to KEEP THEM FROM FALLING OFF!!!

It's crazy, but it's good. For dinner tonight...turkey burger patties (seasoned remarkably) and a green bean salad. It was another good change for taste! I consumed 5.5 ounces and was done.

The fill happens tomorrow afternoon at 2:30...HANG ONNNNNNNN AND STAY TUNEDDDDDDD!!!

Tuesday and A Happy Texas CHIC!!

There I am to the left and there I am with closed eyes and beautiful Kelby Ann Freedman!! I met her and papaw and mamaw at McDonald's to give them some old Tennessee Cookbooks I had collected! It was fun, Kelby got run and play and they ate burgers and fries!
Me? You say! I had a small orange juice and drank maybe a third of that!! I was minus 40 yesterday and today -41!!!!!
How exciting is this? Tremendously --- and now I have my eyes set on the next 10 pound barrier. I'm seeing numbers on my scales that I haven't seen the late 1980's! That's a sin isn't it? lolol
Breakfast seems to be my most challenging meal of the entire day. The first three bites, I feel all the way down to the tummy!!! Very uncomfortable and makes me stop with three bites. But, once I get passed that -- all is pretty okay. However, breakfast time is usually 3-4 ounces, tops!!
For those really wondering how life changes for 'our types' now...check out a terrific website that I use daily for motivation and IDEAS...
You will see how the mind works, the utensils and cooking things change and the amount of foods is SMALL compared to life!!
That's one more peak at the stuff I enrich ME in these days! I know many of you are very curious about this new lifestyle I'm into! It's a great one!!
Have a TERRIFIC TUESDAY and smile FOR ME. Yep, I'm one happy Texas Chic!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Beautiful Monday!

I've been out running, visiting classrooms and waiting on principals to return to their office to give signatures! What a life! j/k All is well and it's been a gorgeous day outside. I'm proud to say -40 today! Been awaitin' on that one! Let's git ur dun somemore!

Getting first fill on Wednesday. Nope, not my port! We'll see what we feel and do afterwards!! Got a good scar there...nope, not gonna eva show it off. It's a secret!! lololol

Have a good evening and keep a readin' in the comin' days. Pat's gonna have a new pic, a new report and new beginning. The band get's tighter and puts the squeeze on with ease. Uh huh, huh!

Later folks! Hope everyone's income tax got fixed and sent...we're barely making it under the wire this year. Oh, well. It is what it am!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Greetings on a very stormy afternoon. Kinda like my life for the past 9 years!! We've had a barrel of rain, the plants are loving it...I haven't been out yet because I attended worship yesterday at 5 p.m. and was privileged to hear Dr. Ed Young in our NE campus for Second Baptist. WOW AND WOW AGAIN.

He is a remarkable pastor, strong inspiration, so steeped in the ministry and one to watch closely. He never looked at a note, his gestures and body language are magnified and it was a treat to hear him on Easter weekend! And, so, that started my celebration. Prior to that, Penney's and Wallyworld (of course)...don't you live there part time also? Thought so!

We've just completed income tax (I hate it). Probably going out again..the rain's over and I'm itchin' and twitchin' to run for a while! My body's been 'on hold' for the past couple of days. I'm .3 of a pound from breaking another 10 pound barrier! I was ready for it yesterday, but discovered, I can't have it my way.

It's interesting when Michael says, "what do ya want for dinner?" My reply goes something like this, "it's all kinda the same and my eating is not for pleasure any DOES NOT MATTER TO ME!!!" And, the interesting part, that's all true. Foods food now...I'm eating to live rather than living TO EAT!

Hallelujah and giddyup!!

Have a tremendous week and get some rest! I get a fill on, not the PORT in me!! After it's over, let's see what a difference it makes! K?