Thursday, April 23, 2009

"I shall be telling this with a sigh...

Somewhere in ages and ages hence;
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference".
Robert Frost (1874 - 1965)

As I read this beautiful poetry just now, I was thinking of Waco, Texas and the place where I grew up. Naturally, you say, she thinks of that often. True, but I hope I'm not alone in those thoughts. One of the reasons we reflect on days gone by is due to the experiences we were privileged to live. For some, like me, all good with no ill fated or tainted past histories.
For others, sometimes, the past looms in shades of gray and black with post traumatized days and nights. Childhood for them was not a thing of beauty. It took them into a much darker forest where giant trees loomed and they could safely hide in their lonliness and neglect. You see, for some, their childhood brought feelings of hopelessness, despair and anger.
I took the road that made all the difference...for certain. And, that road was smoothed, made safe and posted with signage all along the way -- guiding me as I grew. Life began in the 'little house on the road'. Small, yet filled with fond memories and funny stories. We grew from there and moved up the little lane which led to the old Freedman homestead.
It was a huge, old country house, sprawling in a terrific yard. The roof was pitched high and made a great target for throwing the infamous rubber baseball. You could have a buddy on the other side and throw over to him/her or you could 'nail' the house repeatedly having it bounce back your way, causing you to scurry to secure it in the old, lifeless baseball glove you held.
Although I was a left handed pitcher, I had to use my brother's old, worn, dark brown leather glove. It would shove far down on my right hand, although it was made to fit on the left hand...nope, didn't fit right, but did I care? Nope. Not at all!
When the ball bouncing ceased to hold interest, my thoughts and bare feet would carry me towards the big, cement bricked white barn. But, I didn't stop there...deflecting to the northeast, a small, dried mud path led past the cow lots and on down the long, sloping hill to the creek!
Ahh, the creek! Beautiful terrain, covered in plush, green grass with a grove of mature Pecan Trees swaying in the August breezes. If you hesitated, plopped in the plush grass and listened, you could hear the leaves rustling in the wind. Once in a while, the squirrels would divert your attention as they jumped and climbed all the trees, chasing, cavorting and living their lives!
Those trees produced papershell pecans like you wouldn't believe and that was the time of year that everyone was our friend and all of our relatives dropped by to (say hello?) THRASH THE PECAN TREES and drive away with a trunk full of gold! We didn't mind.
You see, my folks were two of the most caring and sharing people in Bellmead. Our door was always open and a pot of steeping, black coffee was resting on the stove ready to fill a cup for anyone! Mother and daddy probably drank twelve pots of coffee a day, if not more! It kept them running and it was a natural 'connection' for the two of them!
Think about it...a cup of coffee and some 'down' time when daddy came in from outdoors doing whatever. It provided an opportunity for them to share, communicate, solve crisis, etc. A great time to catch up with each other!
Growing up on a dairy farm had unique differences to the city kids. For one, our daddy (in his young days) woke at 2 a.m. and was milking by 3 a.m. As he grew older, the get up time became later and his rest time during the day more valuable! Mother prepared three meals a day, took care of our home, kept every spec of dust out of our country home (because of my asthma) and on Sundays and Wednesday evening...we all attended church.
Family was what it was all about back then. I'm so thankful for that. There are far too many folks these days who do not slow down long enough to enrich each others lives ... they eat before the television on a tray or they grab fast food on the way! I wouldn't trade my kid days for anything!
What does this have to do with the 'price of eggs' you're wondering? Because of the way my parents reared us and due to the strong character we were steeped in from top to bottom, their influence on my life was strong. They gave direction and encouragement, but waited to see what our final decision would be.
That road I took was long and winding...sometimes, the uphill crawl was challenging, but by this time in life, I'm at the top of life's highway looking back to follow some of my chosen steps. Some of those things, decisions, etc. were, perhaps, not the best for me and my life. However, I made it, standing on these two feet and smile when I think about it all.
What made country life so noteable in my mind? Horses, dogs, acreage, ponds, fishing, swimming, pets of all sizes and shapes, rainbows bending across the 'bottom' after a storm, creeks, exploration, hay in the barn, haystacks, pecan groves, adventure, alure, challenges, excitement, dove season, baby calves, family/friends, cousins, scary movies when we had sleepovers, bus 25 coming 'round the bend, daddy crowding us in that nasty storm celler everytime a dark cloud came up, hayrides for family and friends, cooking out, a still afternoon and more.
Life is a treasure built upon a foundation. Mine was firm. All I had to do was decide on a given day, "ride with a saddle or bareback?" Tough, huh? My personal road had narrowed decisively in the past few years. But, with this surgery and being's back, b a b y!!!!
Think about years gone by and all of the good things that are deep within you. Where did you come from, where did you go and where will you finally land? It's not over, by a long shot!
"I took the one less traveled by,
And THAT has made all the difference".

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fond Memories of the Past

As I visualize the dairy farm and big 'ol white house up on the hill, I picture myself sitting on the front porch. It's a warm, summer day with a few floating clouds passing overhead and a gentle breeze wrapping around me as I day dream. The porch was all the way across the front of the house, providing a place to play if rain set in on any given afternoon.

To sit and gaze across the 'bottom' land was a simple pleasure I'm not sure I recognized as a kid. Our long driveway led to the gravel road to town, or, if you kept going straight, you passed through a gate and coasted down a very long hill as you entered the bottom pasture. In the spring and summer, everything greened up and provided scenery from that of painting.

Walking down the steps of the big, front porch, you'd turn to your left and walk to the white rail fence where the mailbox perched. It was always interesting to see who got what on any given day. But, I rather think that Mother was the one who rescued the mail more oft than not. Me? Off riding my horse, of course!

Opening the gate by the mailbox led your feet across the large gravel drive and over to the milk barn. It was one story, flat with about 15 stantions for cows to stand and feed while the milkers nursed there swollen udders for many minutes, twice a day.

The barn had a small front porch on it and in the summer, you'd hear the whir of an old water fan churning to blow some cooler air on the girls inside the barn. To the left on that porch was a wide screen door you opened to enter the 'milk' room. On the wall to the right were washing vats, wide and deep. At the end of each milking session, the machines had to be broken down and washed thoroughly and rinsed in lye water to kill bacteria.

Once washed, all equipment was neatly stacked on a draining table, resting silently until the next round began. Across from the vats sat the 'money maker'. A two thousand pound refrigerated milk tank. The raw milk bathed in icey cold temperatures until the Pure Milk truck roared into the gravel drive, made a 360 sweep and backed up to the front porch.

Through a small hole, the size of the tank's line, the driver would initiate the suction hose and go inside to attach it to the drain line at the bottom of the 'silver bullet'! Once connected, the milk drained into the big truck and it was all a done deal.

Entering the dairy barn, you were met with a multitude of aromas!!! However, your mind quickly tuned to the soft, gentle music playing on the old, fly stained radio. KWTX had the hit tunes our daddy liked. It somehow soothed and provided a grand experience for Milk Wagon, Daisy, Sunshine and the rest! Their tails ever so-- swishing around a hip up to the top of their back to swat flies away!

Many of the window panes were broken and that was not a problem in the summer. The problem came in the dead, cold wintertime. The winds would howl, rain would pound and the old steel blue wood stove that sat near the door would work quietly to keep a portion of heat alive so you could warm your hands if you visited for any amount of time.

Nope, I never worked on the dairy. My job was to shadow my daddy, ride my horse and climb in the hay 24/7!! Life kept me busy searching out new 'haunts' down on the creek, riding to Bellmead to team up with a friend or just laying in the tall, rich green grass on a hillside near one of our tanks. Many dreams raced through my mind on those days that I fell back in that plush grass!

However, none of those dreams would ever take me where I am today! Life has been a journey, not a destination! Little did I know I'd become a teacher/coach/instructional coordinator/etc., etc., etc. As I reflect on my life path, I often wonder what other things could I have done? A veterinarian? A lawyer? I'm not sure and there are no 'do overs'. Probably just as well.

The best part is reflecting and knowing that I enjoyed life until it slowed to a mere crawl in the past 8 years. My health was declining and I, being single until three years ago, came to accept the 'status quo' of the mess I was in. I was losing ground every day and accepting it with a shrug.
Somehow, last July, I met Dr. Rogers and boy...yes, HE'S MY FRIEND and he could be my neighbor any old day!!! The excitement within me these days is knowing that I'm going to finish the run full steam ahead. What if I had not picked Dr. R? What if, what if, what if? Doesn't matter...I DID AND IT WAS GOOD FOR ME!

In the past two months, I've made many changes in my life. The realization that I am the most important person to ME has opened my eyes! With energy to 'go, go, go' and eyes that love to look for 'deals'...I'm back to some old traditional time killin' adventures and I LOVE IT!

If you're stuck in a rut, stuck in a recliner or stuck in life...get up, get out and do something about it!!! I admit I had become an expert at disguising my slow movements and lack of oxygen. Little did I know that was detrimental to ME! When you live alone, no one sees you and recognizes changes.

Today, all of the changes are tremendous and perhaps affecting those who read some of these thoughts! I hope so. I want everyone to live it to the fullest, do something exciting everyday and go, go, go!

I think of my sweet Aunt Lois often these days. She's 98, in a very good facility down in League City. Nancy tells me she has days where she 'knows' people and things and days where she 'knows' nothing. But, a very touching story about her this past Easter brought to mind how we must celebrate our todays right this moment.

Nancy took Aunt Lois to church and they spent some time in Nancy's home. When it was time to take her home, Aunt Lois wanted to stay with Nancy and not go 'back'. You see, her choices are already carved out for her. How fortunate we are to be capable of moving, going and doing.

All of my reflections, memories and past encounters keep me motivated these days! I never want to 'go back'!!! I was always told, 'never look a gift horse in the mouth'! And, nayyyyyyyyyyyy, I shall never look this one in the mouth. I jes gonna keep on goin' down (to my goal) and smilin' 'cause that's what I does best!

Hugs and good wishes!

Wacky Wednesday




Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today's Battlefield!

It was the dining table! Yep...began at 8:30 this morning and when I returned to the same chair around 4 p.m. -- battle on! I fought the good fight, but lost! My tummy was NOT impressed with ANY solid food today! Ce la vie!

After conquering two scrambled eggs by 9 a.m., I thought I was 'hot stuff'! NOT! We went to bowl, I downed a Protein Bar and when we returend home, sat to eat some wonderful chicken Michael cooked for dinner last night! NOT! AFter the first fifteen minutes, a few small bites and time, I knew it was not my TIME TO CONSUME SOLID FOOD. Now, this is a first and won't be a last!!

The chicken began to cluck, and when it reached a loud ba/kaaaaaaa....there it came! Yep, arrival around 4:20 p.m. in my bathroom. Guess it thought it was time to RISE AND well, let's not go there, k? I was so glad to see it depart from my tummy...prior to that, I was sitting at the table thinking, 'just let me die--this hurts too bad'!!! j/k But, words can't describe the pain.

It's over. Won't be the last either...but, we'll see how tomorrow goes. I don't care...I downed a wonderful, ice cold Protein Shake ... 1/2 c. frozen vanilla yogurt; tblspn peanut butter; a banana; 1 cup of milk; and a splash of dark chocolate syrup! THAT WAS SPOT ON!! And no, my tummy didn't send back for more postage that time!!!

My discovery by the end of today goes like's too short to waste one second of awake time! I sat on the deck and watched the sun set, I walked the backyard, picking up messes Mag_e had made, I spent time out front, watching the neighbors do whatever they were doing. I have straightened my house, cleaned out closets, helped outside yesterday and more.

The struggles I had dealt with since 2000 had overwhelmed me and taken control of ME for the past many years! No longer! I am living life as fast as I can...with a smile on this face...and a mind thinking, what can I do next???!!! A lot of life had passed me by and I'm working hard to catch up now!

What have you done for enjoyment the past week? And, are you doing anything just for YOURSELF? If not, make some changes. You are the most important person in the world and no one else is going to look out for your well-being better than YOU!!

Our backyard is green again, gorgeous and I love it. Always did, but 8 years ago, I quit taking care of it. Now, as I reflect, I know why! I didn't care. I sat day in and day out! I have the 'park' back and am enjoying it immensely.

A penny for your thoughts! Or, nothing for this one!
"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in which direction we are moving". Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894)

Gotchur compass out? You should...age is only a number...keep living life!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Oh, Happy Day ...

The most gorgeous Monday I've seen in a while! Temp is cool, fun and the air so crisp and clean after all the tremendous storms over the weekend. So, what's so good about this particular day you ask.

Pat and Mag-e (our Bull Terrier girl) took a walk in the neighborhood around 8 a.m. According to my watch, we walked 20 minutes, non-stop. The last time I walked the huge, way around the big, big block was, well, years ago! For the past 4 years, the best I could do was walk down the sidewalk to a corner and return home! Yes, it was sad and frustrating!

Upon return to the house, Michael edged and mowed while I CLEANED THE CAR HALF OF THE GARAGE!!! I know, you guys do stuff like that all the time! Loved it and boy, it looks so good. Then, we moved to the deck and cleaned it up. I polished off the big gas grill, swept the deck off and bagged some trash Mag-e had made.

We've opened all the windows, the north breeze is surfing through the hallway and the birds are chirping! What a great day we have been given! Now, I've hesitated to look at some 'stuff' on the puter and pause to write a thought or two.

How's the weight going? It went up a couple of pounds this morning and YES, I was highly frustrated. And, so, breakfast was two boiled eggs. Lunch was a peanut butter/banana protein shake. I'm puttin' the skids on to see where the 'hitch' is in the git a long! But, those couple of UP pounds finally made me walk out the door and walk.

And, we have two other (small) dogs (Percy and Rojo), so they get a turn later this afternoon. Pat's movin' and trying to burn some of this energy I have now days! Not a bad thing, I admit!

Wishing everyone some good days. A thought for ya today ...
"If I (you) want to improve my (your) situtation, I (you) can work on the one thing over which I (you) have control --MYSELF (yourself)".
Stephen R. Covey

Stay safe and watch out for the 'other guy/gal'!!