Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today's Battlefield!

It was the dining table! Yep...began at 8:30 this morning and when I returned to the same chair around 4 p.m. -- battle on! I fought the good fight, but lost! My tummy was NOT impressed with ANY solid food today! Ce la vie!

After conquering two scrambled eggs by 9 a.m., I thought I was 'hot stuff'! NOT! We went to bowl, I downed a Protein Bar and when we returend home, sat to eat some wonderful chicken Michael cooked for dinner last night! NOT! AFter the first fifteen minutes, a few small bites and time, I knew it was not my TIME TO CONSUME SOLID FOOD. Now, this is a first and won't be a last!!

The chicken began to cluck, and when it reached a loud ba/kaaaaaaa....there it came! Yep, arrival around 4:20 p.m. in my bathroom. Guess it thought it was time to RISE AND well, let's not go there, k? I was so glad to see it depart from my tummy...prior to that, I was sitting at the table thinking, 'just let me die--this hurts too bad'!!! j/k But, words can't describe the pain.

It's over. Won't be the last either...but, we'll see how tomorrow goes. I don't care...I downed a wonderful, ice cold Protein Shake ... 1/2 c. frozen vanilla yogurt; tblspn peanut butter; a banana; 1 cup of milk; and a splash of dark chocolate syrup! THAT WAS SPOT ON!! And no, my tummy didn't send back for more postage that time!!!

My discovery by the end of today goes like this...life's too short to waste one second of awake time! I sat on the deck and watched the sun set, I walked the backyard, picking up messes Mag_e had made, I spent time out front, watching the neighbors do whatever they were doing. I have straightened my house, cleaned out closets, helped outside yesterday and more.

The struggles I had dealt with since 2000 had overwhelmed me and taken control of ME for the past many years! No longer! I am living life as fast as I can...with a smile on this face...and a mind thinking, what can I do next???!!! A lot of life had passed me by and I'm working hard to catch up now!

What have you done for enjoyment the past week? And, are you doing anything just for YOURSELF? If not, make some changes. You are the most important person in the world and no one else is going to look out for your well-being better than YOU!!

Our backyard is green again, gorgeous and I love it. Always did, but 8 years ago, I quit taking care of it. Now, as I reflect, I know why! I didn't care. I sat day in and day out! I have the 'park' back and am enjoying it immensely.

A penny for your thoughts! Or, nothing for this one!
"The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in which direction we are moving". Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894)

Gotchur compass out? You should...age is only a number...keep living life!

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