Friday, May 15, 2009

A Gentle Nudge Today

I spent most of the day over in Clear Lake. Aunt Lois, age 98, is experiencing some of her most challenging days and nights. It had been a while since I was there, simply due to neglect on my part....busy life, you know? NOT! Just hadn't put her in the priority list.

Upon arrival, she was being tended to by Hospice folks. When I finally got up to her bed I leaned over and said, 'hello Aunt Lois, it's Pat. I came down from Humble today to cheer you up'! Not really able to focus these days, she listened intently. Several minutes later she said, 'I want her here'. Nancy, her daughter, turned and said, 'mother wants you back up there by her, she recognized you'!

That pleased me. Come to find out, I was the first one she had recognized in many weeks, other than Nancy! She was always special to me and now, I feel sure, I was special to her as well. I began sharing memories, just talking as she lay quietly on her pillow, her frail body limp, propped by pillows as the gentle sound of the oxygen concentrator hummed with the constant, slow....shhhhh/pop.......shhhhh/pop.

As she lay beneath the thin sheet and blanket, listlessly, her head turned slightly towards the sound of my voice...I just began to talk, knowing that she could hear and possibly comprehend some words. I spoke of an old photo I have of her, age 64 at the time taken, in her black body suit and leggings. There was a period of time where she had to visit Figure World daily to keep her joints functioning properly. At 64, she was lookin' dang good in them leotards!!

Describing the picture and speaking of our old home in Waco, Texas, I ended the story and let loose a gentle, but "Pat" kind of laugh. Within a few seconds after she heard that, her mouth flew open and she began to laugh out loud!!! Nancy was in awe. She turned and smiled as she heard her mother's laughter and said to me, 'that's why I was so glad to see you come in the room today, you are the only person who can make mother laugh'!

Aunt Lois then slipped into a very restful slumber, free of any visible signs of pain, gently lifting her chest with each soft breath. Nancy's son, Doug, had arrived and the three of us went to lunch. They chose's been months since I entered a Mexican restaurant, but I was delighted. Following their orders, I chose one chicken fajita enchilada. Most of my lunch was talking, when all was said and done, 3/4 of my enchilada was gone. I was full!

Doug had owned a men's store on the strand prior to IKE. IKE rolled in, leaving 10' high water marks on the walls of his beautiful men's store. They had rescued items, cleaned/laundered them and had a rummage sale around the 1st of October. The end of his business. Since that time, he's been searching for a new career.

Little did he know that he can pursue a teaching career through various entities offering Alternative Certification. We had a lengthy discussion about those possibilities, I put him in touch with iteach and somehow, I had brought 'light' into several lives this day. As I drove back to Humble my thoughts reflected on all of the day's events.

For family to hug, kiss on the cheek and say thank you for making our lives better today...what else can you hope for? My new found health, energy and outlook on life has once again primed me for 'good' things in life. Life is far more than issues and monetary considerations. All I did today was share love, offer a smile and let the sound of unadulterated laughter roll through the air.

I offered insight, perhaps gave direction to a young man's life and came home feeling almost euphoric. Am I still saddened by the picture in my mind...a very special, yet frail Aunt lying in her bed clinging to life not yet ready to depart...yes, I am. However, regardless of what tomorrow brings, I discovered the value of family, past memories and experiences and the ability to brighten spirits!

There was no way I could know last July, 2008 that my PCP was giving the gift of life back to me on that hot, July afternoon. His decision for my bariatric surgery changed the course of my life and altered as well as renewed my abilities to touch others lives. This night I am enriched and thankful for family ties.

It had been a long time since I had shared time with family like that. Matters not. Their parting words were, 'we're family, we're here for you any time you need us...we love you'. What a nice ending to a special visit.

Love your family, stay in touch. As for friends from long ago or the ones you met yesterday, slow down and do one special thing for them ever so. You never know what your kindness, a shared word or thought or a very minor act of random kindness might strike in their heart. We all struggle with issues, the recession has set many 'back on their heels' and some days just aren't diamonds!

Regardless, look for a rainbow in every day.

And always remember --

LAUGHTER IS THE MUSIC OF THE SOUL!!!!!!!! Celebrate life with each new dawn!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Second Fill Today

And, so, today went much better than the first 'fill' day went! It was fast, 'to the point'...get it...needle in the tummy -- and over in a few minutes. When she handed me the cup of water, it went down with ease today. Go figure.

I was up .2 of a pound today. The doctor said it's time to walk, move and be active for at least 30 minutes three days a week. Thus, I purchased a Cruisin' Bike at Wallyworld this afternoon. Got it home, cut off the tags and raised the seat where I wanted it. After changing clothes, I was set to rock and roll.

The 'fanny' pack worked well around the handle bars. I put a couple bottles of water in, my cell phone with the alarm set for one hour and my garage upon return. I rode like a crazy person. Bottom line, I was impressed with me. The wind was strong, some of the streets are uphill, next time I'll come from the other direction and coast!! hahahah...but all, in all, I rode for thirty five minutes non-stop. First time on a bike in about 8 years!

I quickly learned not to turn and watch people too much. When I do that, I veer to the right and I almost went postal in someone's mail box! Oops! Missed it though, in the nick of time!

It's been a busy week. I had my six month eye exam at Dr. Mann's. They discovered a thingy behind the right eye's implant. So, they set me up for a YAG treatment yesterday. Dr. Mann zapped the capsule with laser and blasted a hole in the film so light can get through. It was weird, when you hear popping in the back of your brain each time he fired the laser, kind of strange.

But, all is well tonight. Both eyes again 20/20 for distance. Love it!

Found out that a dear 'ol high school friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer. That has put a damper on my heart. I hate for anyone to deal with cancer, but for my old horse back ridin' buddy to face it now, sorta took the wind out of my sails for the day. I hope all who read this blog with hold her close in thought and prayer.

Otherwise, I have to get moving and get my weight loss working again. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a happy heart with my progress. My beginning went very fast and I accomplished a lot. What I have to keep telling me is....'it can't all be done in a twelve week period'!!! Darn and darn, again. And, so, I'll keep ya 'posted' but won't 'blog ya down' with details in the coming days!!

I have taken several items to consignment. When pants almost slip off in public, ya know something's working!! lololol Now, that's a good sign!!

Take care, be well and do something good for yourself! Happy Trails to YOU!!! (who said that?)