Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Second Fill Today

And, so, today went much better than the first 'fill' day went! It was fast, 'to the point'...get it...needle in the tummy -- and over in a few minutes. When she handed me the cup of water, it went down with ease today. Go figure.

I was up .2 of a pound today. The doctor said it's time to walk, move and be active for at least 30 minutes three days a week. Thus, I purchased a Cruisin' Bike at Wallyworld this afternoon. Got it home, cut off the tags and raised the seat where I wanted it. After changing clothes, I was set to rock and roll.

The 'fanny' pack worked well around the handle bars. I put a couple bottles of water in, my cell phone with the alarm set for one hour and my garage upon return. I rode like a crazy person. Bottom line, I was impressed with me. The wind was strong, some of the streets are uphill, next time I'll come from the other direction and coast!! hahahah...but all, in all, I rode for thirty five minutes non-stop. First time on a bike in about 8 years!

I quickly learned not to turn and watch people too much. When I do that, I veer to the right and I almost went postal in someone's mail box! Oops! Missed it though, in the nick of time!

It's been a busy week. I had my six month eye exam at Dr. Mann's. They discovered a thingy behind the right eye's implant. So, they set me up for a YAG treatment yesterday. Dr. Mann zapped the capsule with laser and blasted a hole in the film so light can get through. It was weird, when you hear popping in the back of your brain each time he fired the laser, kind of strange.

But, all is well tonight. Both eyes again 20/20 for distance. Love it!

Found out that a dear 'ol high school friend has been diagnosed with breast cancer. That has put a damper on my heart. I hate for anyone to deal with cancer, but for my old horse back ridin' buddy to face it now, sorta took the wind out of my sails for the day. I hope all who read this blog with hold her close in thought and prayer.

Otherwise, I have to get moving and get my weight loss working again. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a happy heart with my progress. My beginning went very fast and I accomplished a lot. What I have to keep telling me is....'it can't all be done in a twelve week period'!!! Darn and darn, again. And, so, I'll keep ya 'posted' but won't 'blog ya down' with details in the coming days!!

I have taken several items to consignment. When pants almost slip off in public, ya know something's working!! lololol Now, that's a good sign!!

Take care, be well and do something good for yourself! Happy Trails to YOU!!! (who said that?)

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