Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Me Before...Just A Reminder

It's interesting to look 'back' a couple of days before my banding. I was filled with fluid, uncomfortable, sluggish and dying. No, really. I had very little o2 circulating, could not walk a small flight of stairs and ate everything that didn't eat me first!

I wanted to give you the real past to compare. One year to one year. Wow, what a difference a year makes and how life changes. Alllllll for the betterrrrrrr.

And, still working on ME! That's my job! A fun job however!
I'm so glad I'm closer to ONE FACE!! It was really round!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dancing in the Rain

My life changed June, 2008 when I happened upon the most fantastic PCP at Baylor College of Med. The picture on the left is one year after Lap Band...March 12, 2010. The picture on the right is December, 2009.
Yes, I was huge prior to surgery and in very poor health. But, the greatest life changing event ever happened and my world turned upside down. Never say never and never doubt the sound advice of a professional you trust.
This has been the greatest journey I have ever experienced. No regrets. No doubts and certainly no chance of 'going back' from whence I came. Good health has graced me again, giving me a new chance at life. Yes, my energy level is very high, my walking ability is fantastic and my mind has shifted to the 'healthier me' and keeping it that way.
I've been proud to know that I have friends and relatives who have gone this route after seeing me and understanding the value of it. I'm proud for them...for they are moving into a new, refreshing life they've not known in a while.
I have friends who have experienced by-pass, band and the sleeve, long before my banding...and, they have been a great support for me. I am still working on another 50 pounds in this year. It is slower with the band, but, I love my band. Well, except for the past two days when it had a mind of it's own and didn't want anything passing into my pouch.
Yes, I said pouch...about the size of a large egg intended to hold 4 ounces to a cup and a half at a meal. The end. Limited intake and making healthy choices have been the key to success. Not sure where I'd be today had I not run into Dr. Rogers, but, let's not go there.
I'm here, I'm healthy, I'm happy, I'm active and I'm livin' and luvin' life. What more could I want? Travel, fun, new experiences...all of the above! There's nothing holding me back any longer, so, it's time to begin planning.
Life changes are exciting. I have a feeling I have more of those ahead and perhaps they will out do the banding. But, I'll guarantee you this...it'll be fun finding out and discovering those things.
I hope anyone having family or friends who have battled weight forever (and lost) will share this blog with those individuals. All it takes is a desire, courage and willingness to take that first step. The rest is a PIECE OF CAKE!!!! NOT. Just a phrase.
Life's too short to be bound by fat. There's too much laughter to be had in this 'ol world...and, it's never too late to make the most of it and DANCE IN THE RAIN! Speaking of...since I began my walking program, I have walked in the rain, walked in freezing temps and walked in the hot sun. Who cares...I'm walking for my life!
Think about that! It's a big difference.
I don't post here as often, but I will continue over time. I wish to say a personal thank you to my readers, to my friends, to my family and to my marvelous BCM team of physicians. They have me in their computer and all of them can glance at me with the push of a button.
Now, for a kid who grew up scared too death of doctors...this is phenominal. I know my mother is dancin' in Heaven over me ending up with my own, personal team of docs and a direct line to my surgeon's right hand, Barbara! Gotta luv it!!!!
Nuff said for this day. Read it. Share it. Try it. Grin and bear it. Talk it. Walk it. Do it. Enjoy it. It's the best thing I've ever done in my life!!!