Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday's Epistle

Hi Folks...well, I'm still at -39, that's okay and g r e a t!! No complaints, it will change in the next few days. However, the blood pressure had become a concern. Darn thing today is 98/56! So, off to Kroger I went to make sure. SURE!

So, I looked up info from one of my sites and sure enough...low blood pressure is one of the issues I will deal with now. Life's kinda goofy. Overweight, too high, lower weight too low. What's a 'bander' to do? Keep losing and keep track of the stupid b/p!! It's okay, but I will speak with the surgeon this Wednesday when I see him for the first fill.

And, yesterday was one month out...I bowled!! YEEHAW!! A 133, a 130 and a 146!! Not bad for not having touched a bowling ball for 4+ weeks!! Felt good. I have so much room around my middle now and lots of flexibility! Hallelujah brutha's and sista's! Let's just keep on doin' all the right stuffs!!!

I did make myself really sick last night. Took too big a bite...and, I swear, neva gonna do it again. I've started eating with T I N Y S A L A D F O R K...actually, one you'd use with crab legs to pick the meat out...I'm talkin' tiny fork!!! Last night was the sickest sick I've felt and really was on the verge of that bad word...v_______! I don't wish to do that, ever!

And, so, the story of Pat continues...all good and very rewarding! Have a super Easter Sunday and spend some special time with you family.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Brighter, Lighter Day

Mornin' Folks!

Yep, she's down another 2 pounds! -39! Hard to believe, but fun to accept! Have a spectacular day for yourself!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Here I Is

Well, it's been an interesting day. I put the old Luchenbach t-shirt on, wasn't even sure I still had it...been a long time. Nah, t'aint skinny yet, but a might smaller than the first of March!! It has been an interesting day, however.

My stomach fussed at me this morning every time I started to eat chicken. Came close to the first 'throw it backatcha' round, but I won...didn't happen. However, when you get that message repeatedly, you give in and realize, I'm not really hungry anyway. So, off to the bowling alley we charged! Yep, I had to sit again and try to stay awake!

We got home somewhat late due to a trip to the Randall's Pharmacy in Kingwood. Bought a few groceries there and came home. Michael was going to cook dinner and I admitted, I wasn't hungry really. I didn't want anything cooked. Just wanted to 'graze' on some familiar foods that have never caused my tummy to deny.

I ended up and made a protein shake (delicious) that was very satisfying. I had to get all of my protein in and I was short by several grams. And, later, I had a couple of boiled eggs that I smash and add two dolops of mayo and some mustard, salt and pepper. I scarfed them fine and was a happy girl. I'm wondering what tomorrow holds as far as getting foods down. Funny thing is, it does not hurt my feelings to just let that eating thing by-pass me. But, I have to get the protein, I find something agreeable.

This was the first day that I had to test run most things. In Randall's I got a few slices of turkey breast. Yes, I can have that. One slice about fills the bill...I stood there as I waited for her to slice Michael's stuff and munched a piece of turkey. It didn't feel right and I wondered what it was making up it's mind to do. I FOUND OUT.

We no sooner cleared the front door, than here came the bomb! Hard to explain what happens, but prior to true up and do this thing called sliming. I know, sounds gross, is gross. Whatever is sitting there comes up in a puffy ball of ???? Michael went straight to the car, I went across the parking lot to the bushes!! lololol I was not going to leave that signature on the pavement for ANYONE! He said, 'what are you doing?' Then, he saw what I was doing! He laughed, I got in the truck and whacked my head on the hand hold thingy and said a bad word. But, I lived!

Just filling in the gaps for ya'll cause you're willing to follow this epistle oft times! End of day here and time for nighty nites! Here's to a great night of sleep and super Wednesday on the horizon.

Take care...

Snippettes and Clipetts for YOU

Hi folks! I can't even begin to tell ya how good I feel these days! For dinner this evening, chicken breast stuffed with roasted red pepper and spinach! Delicious! Also, yellow squash with sweet onion bits...wonderful flavors! I had a total of 7 ounces in my entire meal! Yep, full as a TICK and ready to pop! eewwweee

I'm posting a pic from about 2 weeks ago, yes, I've lost more weight since then, but hey, you get to see some more of the clothes that hav been waiting for me! I had fun this morning choosing what to wear out to campuses for my teacher observations. I wore some nice black (with tiny white dots) slacks, one of my favorite 'ol Elizabeth, long sleeved, button down the front shirts and a warm, sweater vest like thingy.

Tomorrow, Michael bowls, not sure what I'll pull out of the closet, but wearing my sneakers and walking laps the length of the alley off and on. Going to make the most of 'down time' and keep this on a roll! I get to bowl again on the 14th!! Can't wait to see what difference there is in throwing the ball! I can breathe, I'll be many pounds lighter and that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!

Not sure how much I had lost in that pic, I think maybe 29 or so...would love to hear from any of you, anytime! Yes, I'm having fun and enjoying life again. My lungs are doing great and I'm no longer doubtful of being able to walk and go and do whatever. My 'ol fat chick body had about pushed me to the threshold of total inactivity! Somehow, the good Lord sent me to the right PCP doc last July. Thank the Lord and Dr. Rogers!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Greetings on this very cold, Monday morning! Yep, gonna need a jacket today...wondering when warm weather spring will really move in for good. This morning brought the loss of one more pound! Yep, -37 today and moving on 'down' the scale.

It's very rewarding to be on the verge of breaking another 10 pound barrier! I have to admit, the spaghetti made me nervous last night. That's not as bad as the Angel Food Cake on Saturday, though. I could add it to my list and I baked it.

It tasted too good and far too sweet (no sugar for 6 weeks now)...I stuffed it down the disposal and said adios. I know, chicken chicky! That was me!

Anyhow, it's a good start for my Monday! How's yours so far?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy as a Pig in Mud

That's lil 'ol me in Humble, Texas. That day, -33, today -36.
I'll post new pics this week.

The fun in that pic, although not perfect, size 18 regular. Had been hanging in my closet for three years, untouched.

For dinner this evening -- oh, yes...spaghetti with meat sauce, homemade by Michael. Was it delicious? YES Since when had I tasted that? 6 weeks ago! Did it go down alright? ABSOLUTELY!

3.5 ounces of meat and 3.5 ounces of pasta! YUM AND MY...YUMMY!!

Hang in their sports fans, it's gonna get better!