I traveled to Ft. Worth/Dallas last Friday. Michael had a big job he was to finish up around Lake Livingston, so, we were both up and moving at 4 a.m. I've never been a 'morning' person all my life, so that was the first challenge!
A huge storm presented itself just the other side of Huntsville. We're talking 'could've been fish falling from the sky'...so much torrential downpour and no place to go, but straight ahead. To add to the intense experience, I was groggy! Too little sleep, too early in the day and too far to go.
Finally after almost an hour, I passed into the blue sky phase with sunbeams pouring down and drying the car off. Hallelujah, I thought! There were many cars that had pulled over on the side of the road and a couple in the median where they had lost control and slid!
Moving down the road, the rythm of country western music, the syncopated whine of the tires on the road and the bright sun (I had my Maui Jim's on) painted a warm, comfortable place within my Infiniti. Not good. I realized I was drifting ever so often, but assured myself I could do this successfully.
Just south of Corsicana I had the 'wake up call' of my life. I'm famous for sitting in my recliner and drifting, having short bursts of 'mini dreams' waft through my mind. They are brief, but most of the time, pleasant. One of those picturesque moments fell over my eyes and I was comfortable, thinking of past times. The smallest of change in the wheels of the car caused me to open my eyes! EUREEKA!
My black car was perhaps two big feet from contacting the concrete divider on the left, inside lane of I45! WHOOOSH....I rapidly steered right and came back into the center of my lane! With a lump in my throat, I quickly passed over the lanes and pulled off on the shoulder. I sat there in awe, that I had opened my eyes just in the 'knick of time'.
Pulling down to the next exit, I did so and pulled into a parking lot to sit and ponder what had just 'nearly' happened. From there on, I had no trouble staying awake and arrived at the American Airlines Training Facility for the iteach conference! I was grateful and again wondered, what is my purpose on this 'ol earth? They say everything happens for a reason! I could easily have been wiped out and never knew what hit me.
The conference was good, food fine (what little I ate), company fun and the Ganda Beads are a great conversation piece! Our prize this summer was Ganda Beads made by all the women in the village of Uganda. They sell them for $15 to raise money for education of the children. I was so smitten with them, when they announced we could purchase beads if we wished, on Saturday, I selected one more, very unique patterened piece.
I saw some very good friends we had met two years prior at the conference and we 'hooked' up for the formal dining Friday night. It made all the difference in the world, we talked, shared experiences and laughed because we were sharing 'so many things'. Marla laughed and said, 'I have no clue why I'm telling you this'! I replied, 'because we're friends! We met two years ago, this is our second encounter, thus FRIENDS'!!
Marla and Don are the kind of folks everyone needs to meet once in a while. They are down home, good 'ol country kinda folks and we fit like a glove! That was just an added, fun time during the brief conference.
As I drove south to come home, I detoured through Waco, Texas. It had been years since I visited the gravesite of my mom and dad. A few reflective moments there, and I was on the road to Humble. It was time to get home to 'children' and hubby! The children being Percy, Mag-e and Rojo, our dogs!
Amazingly, on the north side of Huntsville, a storm had moved far ahead of me. The pic of the rainbow above is what I captured as I approached the town. Of course, I'm thinking, finally, my pot of gold awaits me in Huntsville! Not to be.
Suddenly, the traffic came to a grinding HALT. Checking gas gauge, I was glad to see I had plenty. The traffic was that creepy, crawly Rita kind of moment. Finally, I could see flashing lights, EMT vehicles and tow trucks up on the rise of the highway. Sure enough, not just an accident, but a horrendous accident. Five cars were involved and I'm sure someone did not walk away from the tragedy. I thanked my lucky stars as I crept past and saw as much as I could.
Five miles down the highway, I was shocked. On the north lane side, not one, not two, but three separate accidents. The ambulances were screaming towards them and highway patrol had people standing out of the way. Humble wasn't too far off, and I was really ready to pull in my driveway!
I did. 8 p.m. Home safe and sound. As I think about the weekend, I'm pleased. Those who were seated with me at each meal were in wonder at how little I ate! Me? I was brim full. This created an entire new feeling for me. For the first time, I was the one eating the smallest amount, leaving huge helpings on my plate!
Since my fill 5 days ago, it seems to be working again! I have lost two pounds since last Wednesday! I can only eat minimal servings without question and I am exercising with Mag-e...brisk walks, daily!
Two important lessons for me in the past days....never pull over and stop during the tumultuous storm, there's a clear sky and sunshine on the other side. Life's the same way for all of us. We must keep moving forward with our goal in sight rather than be sidelined with doubt or fear. And, I am the keeper of me. My common sense and judgement are two important tools I must utilize daily to survive the challenges, struggles and changes in my life.
There were several weeks with my 'band' that would have made it simple for me to throw my hands up and pull over the shoulder and be defeated. However, I kept going. Now, it's payday! I hope for each of you that you find or have found that important 'piece' in life. If you're still searching, keep moving and keep looking. When you reach that destination, you can look back at friends or acquaintances who took the easy way out!
Best wishes for a tremendous week!