Hi folks! I can't even begin to tell ya how good I feel these days! For dinner this evening, chicken breast stuffed with roasted red pepper and spinach! Delicious! Also, yellow squash with sweet onion bits...wonderful flavors! I had a total of 7 ounces in my entire meal! Yep, full as a TICK and ready to pop! eewwweee
I'm posting a pic from about 2 weeks ago, yes, I've lost more weight since then, but hey, you get to see some more of the clothes that hav been waiting for me! I had fun this morning choosing what to wear out to campuses for my teacher observations. I wore some nice black (with tiny white dots) slacks, one of my favorite 'ol Elizabeth, long sleeved, button down the front shirts and a warm, sweater vest like thingy.
Tomorrow, Michael bowls, not sure what I'll pull out of the closet, but wearing my sneakers and walking laps the length of the alley off and on. Going to make the most of 'down time' and keep this on a roll! I get to bowl again on the 14th!! Can't wait to see what difference there is in throwing the ball! I can breathe, I'll be many pounds lighter and that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!
Not sure how much I had lost in that pic, I think maybe 29 or so...would love to hear from any of you, anytime! Yes, I'm having fun and enjoying life again. My lungs are doing great and I'm no longer doubtful of being able to walk and go and do whatever. My 'ol fat chick body had about pushed me to the threshold of total inactivity! Somehow, the good Lord sent me to the right PCP doc last July. Thank the Lord and Dr. Rogers!
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