It's interesting to look 'back' a couple of days before my banding. I was filled with fluid, uncomfortable, sluggish and dying. No, really. I had very little o2 circulating, could not walk a small flight of stairs and ate everything that didn't eat me first!
I wanted to give you the real past to compare. One year to one year. Wow, what a difference a year makes and how life changes. Alllllll for the betterrrrrrr.
And, still working on ME! That's my job! A fun job however!
I'm so glad I'm closer to ONE FACE!! It was really round!!!
On March 12, 2009, I was banded with the lap band. I lost a total of 46 lbs. and after one year, gained it back. Frustrated, fat, and aggravated, time marched on. As a 'senior' now, my realization of the true meaning of life has come clear. I did not retire wealthy, I retired. I have time, no's time to reflect from the inner self out into the world.
About Me
- txspatter
- Humble, Texas, United States
- Retired educator, retired freelance photographer, retired life. I loved the classroom, laughter of the students, small successes that made them glow and the feeling of 'family' among faculty. However, job done and on to new things. Life was on 'cruise control' until March, 2004...and then, there was a halting screech, lung and heart issues and physicians galore. But, I beat the odds and HERE I AM...STILL HUFFIN' AND PUFFIN'!!! Let's see where this leads.....
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