It was a Fabulous Friday for ME!!! I got a kinda late start, but headed out to Deerbrook Mall on a quest! They've had that super sale going on and I've been looking at the comforter sets off and on for many days now.
As you can see by the latest pic from last Tuesday, I'm looking healthier by the day and ... feeling even better. I did purchase a comforter set today. But, I wasn't through shopping!
I carried that huge set, two sacks with other purchases and shopped all over the second floor! Now folks, back in December/08 and January/09 I was land locked in my recliner. Sure, I could've gone to the mall, but why? I was a huffin' and a puffin' and had no o2 to take me around. I am back to full steam!
Carried those items, shopped and walked half way down the parking lot to my car to unload and go back and do some more! I walked the mall from top to bottom and end to end...walking, browsing, humming and smiling!
I ducked into Luby's, thinking, I will have a salad of some sort. The line was half way down the side wall. Standing and looking toward the salad selections, I decided on one with broccoli, cabbage, carrots, raisins, etc. The closer I moved to the selection, the more my inner self said 'why are you spending calories on that'?
Turning and excusing myself (two away from the trays), I exited and went on about my business! When I truly felt some hunger hit, I pulled a Protein Bar out and munched. Craving satisfied and me, happy! And, so, change has taken place, for the better.
I can eat anything again. Literally. Michael fusses at me now because I'm very careful of calorie intake. Point being, I eat so little when I eat, if I do intake 1200 a day, it's a miracle! And, at one point this evening, what I ate wasn't happy...hope it's happier down the 'toity'!!!
This process has truly been life changing and life giving. My great problem now is all the energy I have again. I want to be doing something all the time! Tv has become boring and I read, but in snatches. So, I'm on the prowl finding things to do...I swear, must have the cleanest house in the country!
What's on tap tomorrow? Taking the comforter back. There's another one I really wanted more, so, I'm going back and play again!!! Gotta luv it!
1 comment:
Okay; I have never in my life made a comment on a website so I do not know who all gets to read it.
I am hoping that anyone who visits this website get to read it because I want to tell everyone about the real lady writing these columns.
On her “about me” section you will see she is educated; lovers her husband and her family dearly and cares about her pets. You will read that her priority is Life 101.
What she is not telling you is that she also cares deeply about her friends – especially her friends that she has known for a “few” years. When you as a friend suddenly have a door of opportunity slam shut in your face and you are patiently waiting for another door of opportunity to open up you sometimes have a little “hell” in the hallway between doors. With this lady you will find that you are not alone in that hallway – she will be right there with you to help you through to the next door.
Should you take yourself down to the railway station and decide to catch the next train going home you will suddenly find this lady down at the station with you telling you that you still have one toe over the line and before the train comes she will have you completely back over the line realizing you are not ready to go home yet.
When you are reading these columns please be aware that you are not just reading the writing, ideas, and various plights of just anyone – you are reading the column of a person who has a huge heart and a ton of soul. A heart and soul that you can honestly feel throughout a large two story building that all of us who know her and admire her once called a high school.
I wanted to share this with all of the readers of this column because I wanted all of you to know how very proud of this lady.
Sincerely from a person who is blessed to have known this person a "few" years.
Billy L.
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