Monday, May 4, 2009

I Gotchur Big Apple

In the summer of 1987, I took my first (and only trip, actually) to NEW YORK CITY! I loved it...couldn't look enough, eat enough, walk enough nor take picture ENUF!! Didn't go alone. I took mother (Lucille) and my cousin, Nancy and her mother (Lois) went with us!

We had a blast. Now, there were a few hitches in some of our 'git alongs'...primarily Aunt Lois at that time. I was a big girl that summer, but a strong girl at that time! We'd walk and walk until our legs would almost fall off and I'd see Aunt Lois moving slower and slower. I'd slip up beside her and hook my forearm up, under one of her arms and literally shoulder much of her weight.

I didn't care. Everyone was sightseeing, laughing, buying everything we saw and deciding how much money to put in our 'cab pot' for the day. I was so excited the first time we hailed a cab. It was July and the temp for the entire three days was 98/ and hotter! We got that first cab to curb and I jumped in the front seat ready to be COOL!

That didn't happen. I was in shock. How did I know all the yellow cabs in NYC ran without air and ran with their hoods propped up slightly? Man, was I ticked and disappointed! Nancy was the 'pot' holder (cab money...stop that!) and I was the cab HAILER! Hey, I didn't learn to whistle up cattle for nothin'!!

One afternoon, we decided to walk to a particular building. But, the heat was terrible, thus, the subway. We went down into the subway tunnel on the wrong side, emerged, preparing to cross the street to the 'right' side. As we stood watching for the light to turn, Nancy had stepped just off the curb to wait, ready to run when the WALK sign came on.

Suddenly, a shiny, sleek silver ElDorado pulled in front of my eyes. Wow! I was in love! It had air conditioning running, too! The problem was...a huge city bus was right beside that shiny, sleek, off the showroom floor auto. Now, as the car approached the corner, remember, Nancy was standing off the curb. OOPS!

The car swerved left to miss Nancy and the bus swerved right preparing to turn the corner. Slam, bam, screech, scrape and I lost it! Nancy jumped back up on the curb and I tried with great effort to corral my laughter! Finally, I heard Nancy yelling...she was many yards down the sidewalk and trying to get a cab!

I took Aunt Lois by the arm and here we went. When we all got to that point, I said, what's wrong...that was crazy! Nancy said, 'it's NYC at 2 p.m. - we were not only witnesses, I was off the curb! The police department is the LAST PLACE WE NEED TO BE!' Message understood and when that cab swooped up with a screeching halt, we all jumped in, jammed in and said, hit it!

As we moved across the lanes and made the left hand turn, I looked back over my shoulder to see people pointing and shouting OUR WAY! But, we escaped! We were good, fast and with purpose!

There were more fun times during that vacation, for another time here. But, I do know if I ever travel to the Big Apple again, I will not be THE BIG GURL FROM TEXAS! I'm on a mission and looking forward to the coming weeks/months to see where I go from here!

The sure thing I know, if I am ever in NYC again, I will always stand on the curb!!! As that car initiated his right turn and that big bus gouged his front fender, the bus carved a deep gash all the way down to the back door! Oops!

Hey, I have one kinda big gash on my right side, tummy! Lololol And, I think it probably cost a few pennies more than the repair on that ElDorado!!!! Ya thank???

Have a good week...and, stay on the curb, okay?

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