I attend a once a month meeting down at Baylor College of Med. It's on the first Thursday of each month, 11th floor conference room from 6-7 p.m. This last meeting was the most beneficial of all I've attended.
Lin Lin, our Nurtritionist, had enlisted a rep from Johnson and Johnson to come and tutor us in the computer program Realize My Success. It was great. I now know how to work every component of the program, thus, I'm planning my day of eating and tracking calories. I can also plug in whatever exercise I accomplish and it figures the amount of calories burned!
These days find me ultra active. The weather is gorgeous and my energy is high, so I'm on the go. Michael doesn't enjoy 'on the go' unless there's a purpose...so, I say later and hit the road most every day.
Yesterday I was in the mood to bowl again. We have a Wilson Road Bowl right near the house...off I went. I bowled alone for 45 minutes, worked up a sweat and enjoyed the activity. Scores were 148, crap, 169. It took me a while to figure their lanes out! Regardless, great movement.
The scale had dropped back to my old -46 mark. That was good. Hoping to see a slight drop again in the morning. I'm now holding tight to 1050-1200 calories per day. Since I have use of the program, it's easy...and, I've taken time to plug in my favorite things I use regularly so I have an accurate accounting for the day's intake.
Things I've learned:
lap band is exciting; lap band is not a magic key; lap band is a tremendous tool; the beat goes on and one must work hard to stay lean 'n mean on calorie count; eating tiny bites is the key; eating slowly and chewing forever a must; throwing up is not a fun experience; and....
the best thing I've learned is this -- my pouch is about the size of an egg. It takes very little food to FILL IT. Thus, really no hunger pains...and, I've learned to fill my time between meals with stuff rather than food.
Bottom line...there is NO QUICK FIX in the world and battle of weight. Determination, stick to itness and personal goals are what drive the beast! I have lost the 46 and I wish to lose 82 more.
Today, I began on the north side of Conroe at an Outlet Shopping Center. I ran into a Lane Bryant store and strolled in. Before I knew it, I had three new tops (big sale) and one of those is a Peasant Blouse. When I tried it on, I was smilin' like the Mississippi! 46 pounds ago, I would have looked like a beached whale in that top. Today, pretty dang good! BOUGHT IT!
From there, I surfed lots of places, coming back down to the Woodlands and making a couple of stops. I'm in the process of adding color to the kitchen and it's fun to browse and shop for eye catching things as we've all done forever.
Finally, around 4:15, I pulled back into the drive at home. One of the neatest things that happened today was at Home Goods. I heard a voice say, 'put that down lady' and I turned to see one of my old bestest buddies from Coordinator days. It was Sharon Sterchy, my counterpart from Aldine ISD. Wow! We were both so excited and the last she had seen of me was back in the Spring of 2002.
Yes, she was tickled too death at my appearance and she commented on how healthy I looked! We exchanged phone numbers and hugged again before parting to continue our stealth shopping!
There have been a few days that 'life 101' has infringed on my focus with my new challenge here. However, I've finally targeted some major things and have started carving my map and staying focused on my mission. Have I had some down days? Certainly. Have I been confused from other's adivce at times! Of course! Doesn't matter. I've finally come to know that this is my band, my mission and my decisions.
Success lies down the road, around the bend at the top of the hill where that big 'ol country house sat! During my teen years living on that farm, I was a skinny minny!! My map is leading me there again.
Stay tuned...and come along with me. We'll 'follow the yellow brick road, ah hah'!
Have a great Sunday and do something special for yourself!
Oh, one other thing. I finally bought a new 'over the shoulder bolder holder'!!! Yep, new bra! Now, tsk, you might say. Folks, it's 4" smaller than the old one and do THE GIRLS EVER STAND SO PROUD! lololololol I know, a little humor, but...come on!!! That's the breast, I mean best I can do at this hour!
On March 12, 2009, I was banded with the lap band. I lost a total of 46 lbs. and after one year, gained it back. Frustrated, fat, and aggravated, time marched on. As a 'senior' now, my realization of the true meaning of life has come clear. I did not retire wealthy, I retired. I have time, no gold...it's time to reflect from the inner self out into the world.
About Me
- txspatter
- Humble, Texas, United States
- Retired educator, retired freelance photographer, retired life. I loved the classroom, laughter of the students, small successes that made them glow and the feeling of 'family' among faculty. However, job done and on to new things. Life was on 'cruise control' until March, 2004...and then, there was a halting screech, lung and heart issues and physicians galore. But, I beat the odds and HERE I AM...STILL HUFFIN' AND PUFFIN'!!! Let's see where this leads.....
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