Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

Well, it's been a day in the 'life of'. Nothing exciting, just the same stuff. Still stuck...and, just as a catch up for the readers...yesterday was VOTING DAY!

Yep, everything that went down, came BACK UP FOR VOTE! Uggghhh....oh well, nuff said. Don't have to fret over calories this way! Today, two things have stayed down. Perhaps I'll get to enjoy the evening meal as well. If not, fruite smoothies are wonderful, icey and a treat!

It doesn't matter. After the first few weeks and episodes of coming 'backatcha' a few times, food seems to lose all importance. I watch the food channel now and look at things thinking, nope, it'd just come back...too stubborn...the band, that is.

Anyhow, hope all had a nice day. Catch ya on the flip flop!

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