Saturday, August 9, 2008

Not the Jolley Roger, but Good Thoughts

Lavega High School sat facing Bellmead Drive. Of course, that was the main drag that carried us everywhere. It took us to Dairy Queen, to Waco, to the Dairy Queen, to everywhere! As you came out of the main building, to your left, across the narrow street was an old five and dime...owned by the Lindsays.
Yes sir, just as you cleared the front door of the store...there it was...the diamond in the rough...the true reason for going in was...THE CANDY COUNTER! Yeeeehaww.
Back then, if you had a nickel ... you were rich. They sold Valomilks (the creamy white, ooey gooey candy with rich chocolate), they sold the fabulous corn suckers (all sugar, but flavored with cherry, grape, everything) and they sold all of the 'back then' good tasting stuff. If I hurried at the end of the day (before I got a car as a Junior) I could run over, grab a sweet treat and make it back in time to catch the bus. Life was good! One pound at a sweet time!
At the back of the building sat the old Band Hall for those of who 'tooted.' And, to your right as you came out, sat the Science building. Since I started 'band' in fifth grade and was moved to the old high school campus that year...I was there for eighth grade math. My future husband was there, in that Science wing as well. We all knew him as WILD BILL GREINER(T?). For some reason I fell desperately in love with Wild Bill. Didn't matter that his eyes were almost goofy. He wasn't really tall, but he sported jet black hair and what I thought was a deep, terrific voice. I hated math, but I loved Wild Bill. Or, was it Science? Doesn't matter...sigh....
During my ninth grade year, I had Study Hall in the Science building and Coach Ray Chancellor was our Homeroom GUARD!! He wasn't really very tough, he always had coaching things in front of him...however; one day he left the room briefly. We had a lot of fun when we could. I coerced Sally to go look in the dark room. Why it was in that class, I have no idea...but, once she cleared the doorway, I shut the door and locked her in. It gave us a good laugh (at her expense) and I received the only D-Hall in my life for that act of stupidity. I was a kid doing kid things and living life in high school.
I guess Thursday night bonfires were the absolute most fun. We'd all gather around the big bonfire, band with instruments in hand, cheerleaders doing their sexiest moves while leading the cheers and it was good. Immediately following the bonfire, many of us jumped in our cars and head to downtown Waco and Austin Avenue...the real drag back then!!
A best friend, Pat Livingston used to go with me and we'd cruise, up and down and up and down. Now, remember, I lovedliving out in the country. When I headed home, it was a long, dark drive, but that never caused me concern. I did however put the metal to the pedal and got home quickly, most nights.
There were always a few 'looneys' who'd hang out on the country roads sometimes and my dad decided it was the best idea if I put 'ol Rip in the back seat my 1964 Ford Fairlane. He was the great protector. And, so, I did. It was somewhat comforting to have this giant with really big teeth and a bad temperament if any bad person approached my car!
On one particular Thursday night (bonfire time)...I put Rip in the backseat and off we went. He laid quietly in the car until it was over and when Pat and I headed to Austin Avenue, we had a handsome chaperon.
As we cruised (we thought we were so cool), two guys pulled up beside us and said, "hey, how 'bout ya'll meet us up on the HEB parking lot...we'll go get somethin' to drink." Pat turned and looked at me (Rip was asleep on the backseat), we smiled and she replied, "okay, see ya there in a sec." As we turned into the parking lot, those guys were already there, primed to take two lovely, charming high school girls to get a coke.
They insisted we get in their car and we refused. However, if they wanted to come and ride with us, that was doable. HA!! They leaped out of that car, grabbed Pat's door handle and flung the door open, grabbing and pulling the back of the seat forward! WHAT A HOOT! Rip came up on all fours, gnashing his teeth and telling them, no, no, no. Those guys were as white a sheet and as they jumped in their car...we decided they probably were going home to change pants!! We were bad, but we sure had fun.
Ya see, growing up in the country for me was not a challenge. It was the way everyone should have been living. 300 acres, horse, dogs, pets galore, hay barns, hunting when it was in season, etc. What I never realized was some of my old friends were somewhat envious of my life in the country. They wished for room, they wanted a horse, they loved to come and visit.
Right before my retirement as Instructional Coordinator in Humble ISD, I somehow was connected with Shirley and Curtis's email address. I sent her a hello and I smiled when I received her reply. We both had made our careers in education, she was a Principal, me a Coordinator, but to my surprise, she told me they had a place in the country with horses and dogs. Her dog at that time was getting old, not long for the good life and she said something like, "when I can get another dog, I'm getting a German Shepherd like you had in the country!"
Well, blow me over and give a corn sucker!! Little had I known that some folks truly envied my lifestyle. And, as far as that goes, there are many people who observe us daily, weekly or only when we bump into them in a store and most likely, they are watching our demeanor, our body language and more.
I've been a 'big gurl' all of my life. I finally accepted my fate years ago and moved forward with the Pat smile and love of life. I always have always tried to look neat and be 'in' with the crowd and I guess it's all worked. As I am moving forward to this life changing surgery, I'm excited. I'm going to see what the 'rest of the world' has been living as the 'thin folk!'
Regardless of size, color, zits or not, we owe it to ourselves and all others to be the best role model possible. Always remember, someone is silently watching and making mental notes of your actions regardless of age...yours or theirs!!
We shape students character every day by what we do and what we say. And, we shape other people's thoughts now and again and become the leaning post for some. the best you can whether you're up tuit or NOT!!!

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