Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Bird in the Hand Tastes Better Fried

It's true! Fried chicken, fried steak, fried pickles...yummmm. Just to say I am a woman of the world and have done it all!! If you believe that one, I have some swamp land to sell you! It's strange though that life revolves around food. If you go out with family/friends, you eat. If you travel, you EAT. If you watch a movie, you eat. If you are sad, you eat. If you are happy, you eat. EAT...three small letters that rule lives. E.ach A.ction T.ells...a story! The story is read all over the human body. Twinkies? They look great on thighs, why not just stick them on there? A baked potato with everything, whoa, it kind of smears up and down the entire backside, huh?

I guess my concern and thoughts have been changing rapidly in the past year. I suddenly gained 32 pounds I had lost in '04. It didn't feel good, walking takes longer and running? That's a joke. The robber can just knock me in the head and grab my wallet! But, the real eye openers began to happen when we started checking out the food lists on the net. When I saw that Meatballs and Spaghetti at the Olive Garden were over 2500 calories, I went into overdrive shock! And, several months ago, we were out having fun, dropped into Chili's for food and ended up sharing the deadly Mudslide Brownie or whatever it's called. That delicious mound of molten chocolate and creamy, smooth Blue Bell Vanilla ice cream costs about 3,000 calories ALONE!!!!!
As the lists were unfurled each week, new places, different dishes, etc. put in print really brought me home to face the 'dangerous waltz' I've been doing for the past year. Having given myself permission to enjoy, I did and with a smile!!
I'm still smiling, but the Waltz will become a line dance that I can do alone. After the first meeting yesterday, I realized I now have a full-time job for the remainder of life. ME. Many forms, questionnaires, doctor visits, hoops to jump through, and more. But, I am worth it all. This blogging is my way of sharing with ME mostly. It does me good to see it in print.
Will anyone ever read this stuff? Not sure. Doesn't matter. I think it, I read it, I post it. It's my history now until ... life changing behavior modification along with exercise happens! Why didn't I do all those things years ago and stick with 'em? Dunno. I JUST DIDN'T GET AROUND TUIT!! Doesn't matter now. The present has arrived, the past is history. The Texas Two Step is warming up in the wings. Once I cross the line into the Surgery Suite, it becomes slow, slow, quick, quick, slow!! Still exciting, still nerve racking and still anxious with many thoughts.
I leave you with this thought -- a wise man once said,
"Be careful of reading health books, you may die of a misprint."
-Mark Twain

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