Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Determination and Stealth

I planted a Crepe Myrtle in the backyard back in 198something. It was planted for my sweet mother. She loved colors, beautiful yard and all sounds of a Mockingbird. She used to say that a Mockingbird singing in the tree was a sign of good luck. Ever so often, here, at 2734, one sings loud and mimics all others. I always smile to myself and think of two things...mother and good luck!

Now, the Crepe Myrtle is living, not huge, but looking healthy. That small, baby tree sat in that ground all of these years with three small branches dancing on occasion. It didn't grow. It didn't die. It just sat. During the years of my health war, I ceased caring for my yards. I didn't water anything and I didn't care.

The small tree sat there. It never grew, but it never gave up. Back in the Fall, I told Michael, "just chop that little, stupid tree down. It doesn't do anything and I'm tired of looking at it". He turned his head my way and said, 'this little guy hasn't done anything but sit here. I'm not going to cut it down'. In my frustration, I replied, 'well, it's just stupid and I'm tired of looking at it'. Nevertheless, he moved on about his business, leaving the small tree to sit and cause me to wonder ... what the heck?

Last October, we sodded the backyard. We were both tired of looking at mostly hard dirt! The St. Augustine carpet looked so familiar and so enhanced the feel of the kitchen window view. I was exhilerated to see a yard coming back into 'shape'. Old habits die hard and I soon was back to late afternoon therapy! To take the garden hose with an excellent shower head and stand in the gentle late afternoon breeze as I water every inch of the plush green grass, plants and trees does good things for me!

That's my time to reflect, breathe fresh air and ponder life's daily business. It's my personal time and the rewards are exceptional. Each time I've watered, I've soaked the hard ground around the small tree. Suddenly, one day, it dawned on me that the stupid little tree was beginning to grow! Unbelievable!

When I told Michael it was growing, he said, 'see, it has waited all this time for you to show it you cared'. I was dumbfounded. That Crepe Myrtle is now about 4.5 feet tall with lush, heavily leafed branches bowing to and fro. I must say, I have learned heaping lessons from the small, insignificant tree.

Determination and the will to survive can carry us far. As with that small tree, my weight has resembled the stagnant, waiting results. I am pleased to say that my focus and continued hard work is finally working again. Had I given up and resolved it was just a waste of time, I would have completely defeated myself.

As it is, since my last fill, two weeks ago today, I have shed an additional five pounds! The tree is growing and I am shrinking! What a win-win at 2734 Kingfisher Dr.! Always remember that life has something good in store for you. If you're tempted to give up, give in or chop it down...hesitate. Where there's a will to survive and accomplish your goals, there will always be a way.

And, tune your ear to the trees in your yard. Listen. Is that a Mockingbird you hear?

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