Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear Lap Band

Author: U.S. National Institute of Diabetes an...Image via Wikipedia

I've crossed many bridges in the past weeks and months. Thanks to you, the crossings are getting somewhat easier with each new dawn. Changes of the mind, heart, body and perspective morph with each night's sleep and bring new expectations to life within me.

Bringing you into my life has been the best thing I've ever done for myself. Often I wonder, why didn't I do this sooner? I'm sure though that there are many times we simply find it hard to embrace the possibilities of something so life-changing happening to us. I did.

But, thanks to's very different today. This was my first day back to the Family Life Center at church to begin my walking program. There was a time in the Fall, 04 where I would go to walk and only complete a quarter lap before having to stop and 'suck' in oxygen to be able to go again. By springtime, 05 I was somewhat better. I could walk in half-laps with breathing intervals in between. I thought I was doing someting!

Today, after March, 09 surgery and quick loss of 46 pounds, I hit the floor decked out in new gym shoes and new attitude. I began my walk at 12:15, walking just a tad above a strong slow walk...crossed back over the beginning after lap one, still breathing very well.

Lap 2, lap 3, lap 4...took a brief pause just 'cause. Wow! 4 solid laps without thinking twice! I'm stoked. I continued and did the next four...same repeat. When 20 minutes had passed, I had done a mile and a tenth. Now, for many readers, that's nothing. To a person coming back into life at age 60, that's pretty darn terrific.

In addition to that good news, I thank you personally for the following....
being able to pull and buckle my seatbelt (like normal folks do)
being able to sit comfortably in the movie chairs and smile...I fit
the ability to sit in a booth in any establishment (no embarrassment of hesitating when asked)
not having people stare at me on the mall or in a restaurant
being able to buy real clothes again...not being limited to Cahterine's for big chicks!
putting on tennis shoes, bending my knee to cross the other, no pain, no fuss
being able to lay down and breathe easy, sleeping soundly all night long
the ability to cross my legs again
being able to prop a foot up on my recliner and sit comfortably for a great change
fitting in the store bathroom stalls (yep, that's a challenge for a fat gurl)
the ability to walk among folks on the mall or whereever, matching their normal pace
(I've had many past days prior to where I became an expert at disguise...pretending to browse while my lungs 'caught up' need for that now)
having a smile that causes some friendly waves in my cheeks, meaning their gettin' skinny
having friends comment on 'how great you look'....they can see I'm healthy again
and, if I ever fly again, I can buckle that dang seatbelt and PULL IT TIGHTER!!! yeeehaawww

You have been instrumental in the physical changes in my life. The rest of the story is up to me. Although I fight the BRAIN WAR daily, I am abiding by the new required protein rules and such. I do have times where my mind urges me to snack, graze, have crunchies, etc...Remember, you fixed my didn't adjust my mind!!

And, so, it was a time to say thank you in a different way. I anxiously await more time to pass and see where I go with all of this new life. The best part is to understand how valuable every day is to me now. Not wasting breath nor movement is essential and keeping it tuned to activity a priority.
My sweet mother had a fantastic life phrase regarding life..."it's all about quality, not quantity".
I've recaptured the quality, now I'll move forward and see what the quantity meter allows!

All of these things are due to your positive effects and again, I say thank you from my much better working heart!!

I close with a smile,

personal PAY IT FORWARD!!!!!!!

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