Friday, December 19, 2008

The News You've Waited to Hear

Interesting how life works. You attempt to do everything the right way, you stumble over someone else's missed step and you end up holding the empty bag.
Due to the fact my doctor was having heart issues and dangerous procedures on the day of my November appointment, my Surgery Coordinator will submit the papers we have but expects Aetna to say...No go...only five months of visits another six months.
There ya have it. Now I better comprehend how insurance companies keep their hands on their money! lolol
Tune in tomorrow forrrrr 'the resttttt of the story!' Not that there is any...I'll let ya know when Aetna says nope.
Merry Christmas to All and to All .... alot of good, fattening, delicious foods!!! Yum and yum again!!

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