Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oh, You Shouldn't Have, IKE!

Saturday, September 13, 1 a.m. He's here with a special birthday greeting! My 60th and he's one of two people who even bothered to remember. How special. And, he made such a fuss over it all. Howling wind, pounding rain, crashing trees and more. What a special day it turned out to be! NOT!
It's a lonely feeling as you sit in the middle of your home listening to night sounds during the fury of a raging storm. We spent all day Friday watching the local channels with reporters standing on the sidewalk across the street from the Seawall. Somehow, you knew this storm was so very different and extremely dangerous.
In my twenty five years living here, I've never witnessed the gulf doing the things it did all day. When the level of the water was level with the edge of the Seawall, I realized something terrible was coming our way. To see the huge waves rise and crash into the lip of the wall to send water spewing 30-50' in the air, unbelievable! And, then, as the wave crashed back to land, it hit the street and crawled with dead aim over and down the other side. Trouble was here.
Michael covered our windows early Friday in preparation for the event, we put things in place in the backyard and locked the doors. There was a monster in town and he would ultimately come right up the freeway to our 'Humble' abode, literally!
Things stayed relatively normal around here all day and even into the evening. We were watching it all happen down on the Island, via television and commenting on the fury lashing out in every direction and yet, it was normal here. That is the strangest feeling in the world. Suns out, gentle breeze in the air, people hustling and buying gas, food, water and ice.
But the one thing we noticed by late afternoon...where are the birds? Where are the outdoor sounds? Where did the crazy 'hue' of the afternoon come from, suddenly. And, when we realized those changes had come about, the gentle breeze was done. We were wrapped up, lashed down and hunkering in place! The monster was on the way.
1 a.m. Michael had laid down a couple of hours earlier to be prepared for the long night. Suddenly, the wind whipped and the show had begun. I went into the bedroom to wake him and have a partner in this all nighter! Lights were out, power gone...everything locked up and by morning, the house was muggy. The 'uncomfortable' feelings of our modern day conveniences had vanished. Flashlight, radio, candles and strong inner self took over.
Little did we know that was the beginning of eight very long, uncomfortable days. Saturday morning as we listened to the radio we began to realize this was the worst of the worst. Daylight gave us the opportunity to open the shades and peer into the backyard. Whoosh! One 12 year Pin Oak tree down! It managed to miss the air conditioner, the deck and the house! Thank you, Jesus! Big favor that was! And, as we looked to our left...fence down. Hey, it was old and rickety anyhow, we just got help in boosting our new fence time line that's all. Pine needles everywhere, broken tree limbs all over the place. In the front yard...not much of anything, thank goodness!
We've had the tree removed and the yards cleaned to the tune of a couple of hundred bucks! Hey, cheap compared to others! We finally got our power today and have cooled off.
Things I learned (again)...
glad I wasn't a pioneer in covered wagon days; I love air conditioning; I never liked camping AND STILL DON'T!; it's a good thing indoor potties arrived just before I was potty trained, would never have gone at all; it was challenging enough to tinkle in the dark!' I am too conditioned to flipping the light switch every time I enter a bathroom; cold showers are misnamed...they are FREEZING; leather furniture sticks to ya on a hot day or night and really makes ya SWEAT; pets want to be close and lay in your lap...NOT...TOO dang hot as it is; stainless steel grills are life savers; I hate ice chests and having to procure ice every dang day; I despise all neighbors with generators...and, I had to listen to the motors ALL, HOT NIGHT LONG!' gas lines suck; people get really mean when they're hot; cleaning out refrigerators in the dark is frustrating....and, I don't like hurricanes!!!
Nuff said. So, Pat, how did you do with your 'dieting' in all of this time? Are YOU KIDDING! Back to norm now in the coming days...refocus on January and Lap Dan...oops, Band! Get with the program, girl!!

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